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if Neopets became real ....


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I would be so stinking rich.


I'd build a neohome of epic epicness and live somewhere cool. Like maraqua.


My neopets would be my minions... except that one is a zombie, there would be a color change happening.


But Nora would be my fluffy, stuffed side kick. Life would be awesome if Neopia was real. Except that everytime i missed a kad feed, i couldn't swear like a sailor... stupid filters and all.

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I would visit the chocolate shop and try some of these...

can_oozingheart.gifcan_neverending_jellybeans.gifcan_rainbow_floss.giffoo_chocolate_nova5.gif oh so hungry right now.

Those look amazing. I'd definitely want to try those :P


I kind of fancy a mug of this right now...


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Omg so many cool things. Umm. Unis need to be real. and... a LOT of the items. There's so much cool stuff. Some of the neo-medicines would be nice :) Cure for the common cold. AKA Sneezles :P

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What about a land becoming real? I'd love to be able to visit Meridell...and Brightvale...and Altador!!


yes .. whatever you fancy :)


anything special from there ?

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