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SSW and SW


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right so i no you can get banned for the SSW for 31mins but i didnt no you could get banned from the SW for 30mins anyone eles had this before?


Whoa there, too many searches!

I am too busy right now, please come back

in about 30 minutes and I can help you out.

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Yes, it used to be like that before the changes as well. It's to prevent premium users to have too much of an advantage. I think I've had longer bans than 30 mins before /:

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Right just to be clear you can get banned on the normal shop wiz?


Yes, you can also get banned with the standard Shop Wizard if you refresh or search too much for the items you're looking for. TDN has more on the Shop Wizard right here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/shop-wizard/


Banned from the Shop Wizard


Sometimes, you can be banned from the Shop Wizard. It happens when you search and re-search too much during the same hour. In these case, you cannot use the Shop Wizard until next hour starts.

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But out of curiousity, what does it take to get banned like that? I am not a restocker, i don't even know the first thing. So maybe it's just something I've never come close to encountering.

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I've never had the SSW, but I have been banned from the SW myself a few times recently while I was trying for 1np items for the rubbish avatar. I was doing a lot of searches though! I couldn't tell you how many I had done before I saw that screen, unfortunately.

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I have been banned from SW more times then I can count. I have done the stamp collecting, card collecting, and gallery collecting. And I normally go on sprees of when I buy. I know that if you get banned one time the next time you get banned in the same day it is a lot longer. I think I have been banned for like 2 hours one time. Annoying but oh well.

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Only 30 minutes? Man, I always get an hour on mine. I think I'm cursed. I don't have premium so no SSW for me but SW locks me out weekly and I'm not even a restocker. Just normal shop selling and 1np collecting for the rubbish avvie, like the others said. So yeah, totally normal.

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