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This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:


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Due to potentially suspicious activity on this username, it has been frozen for the owner's protection. This can include falling for a scam or entering information into a fake login page. If you would like information on getting this account back, please contact us by clicking here


This happened last night. So a few days ago, a friend of mine gifted me two Hidden Tower swords so we could both go stamp hunting together. I usually don't like being gifted things, especially big things, but let him since it would hurt his feelings. We were having a lot of fun buying stamps and making boards together. We both were getting close to 500 stamps. But I was reading something off Neo, and he IMs me saying he was frozen for "scamming." I refreshed our board page, and saw that I was logged out. My heart drops. I log back into Neo and see that I'm iced for "my protection." Apparently, after both of us were iced at the same time, I'm guessing it has something to do with being gifted the swords? I mean, I've gifted large items to friends before and none of us had any problems. He didn't "scam" anyone, nor did he scam me lol. We have been friends for over two years.


I already submitted a ticket, but I wasn't logged into any of my sides (all my sides are still intact) so I can't keep track of the ticket. Should I submit another while logged into a side, or wait?


I'm not upset, just annoyed. I had just gotten my stamp avatar a few weeks ago and already went through a huge debacle getting my scammed np back (which took me 9 months.) Just let me play and have fun, gosh! I have a Kadventures comic in queue too, dunno if I'll have to resubmit that when I get my account back.


Oh, and not sure if this is the right forum. I couldn't find any others that this would fit into. So if it's in the wrong one, please move it. Thanks!

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I'm sorry. :( I'm sure you'll get it back since you didn't do anything wrong. It's good that TNT is looking out though. I'd hate for a scam to happen and then you lose your account completely. Good luck!


I'm confident I'll get it back too. It's just annoying and an inconvenience. Thanks!

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Oh no! :( Hopefully it doesn't take 9 months for you to get your account back. :(

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Sorry that this happened to you. :/ Hopefully they won't take too long to sort this out for you. I suggest waiting on the ticket you already submitted. However if it starts to become an unreasonable amount of time and you haven't heard anything back, submit another ticket while logged into one of your side accounts. Best of luck!

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Why TnT, why...


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Oh no! :( Hopefully it doesn't take 9 months for you to get your account back. :(


I know right? I'm hoping it'll take a few days...it'll probably be a few weeks though :/


ouch :sad01_anim: I saw your account too it was nothing less of amazing. GL getting it back!


Thanks for the good luck~


Sorry that this happened to you. :/ Hopefully they won't take too long to sort this out for you. I suggest waiting on the ticket you already submitted. However if it starts to become an unreasonable amount of time and you haven't heard anything back, submit another ticket while logged into one of your side accounts. Best of luck!


Yeah I'll wait on it. In the meantime I'll just hiatus from Neo until I get it back.

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Sorry to hear that! I hope you get your account back quickly. I had to wait 3 months and it was horrible!


I really hope it doesn't take that long xD Will having premium help me here?

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I really hope it doesn't take that long xD Will having premium help me here?


Personally, I think it will. You are paying for the service after all! I am sure people would be ticked off if TNT kept charging them for an account they couldn't use, so you'll likely get priority support.


I am sorry this happened to you :(

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I'm so sorry that it happened to (the both of) you :c

I've received 'big items' as gifts before, and I've always been fearful that it would result in a freezing, partly because I'm naturally paranoid *cough*


I hope Ashleigh ( ^ ) is right and that having premium will speed things up for you! Good luck seems too tiny a consolation to offer, but it's all I've got /:

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that sounds awful :( good luck getting your account back.


I feel pretty naive thinking it's only possible to get frozen for having a big mouth (since it got me frozen twice already) but to read that getting a highscore on games or accepting expensive gifts can get you frozen is just plain scary :(


Will our accounts ever be safe from tnt's evil freeze-ray?

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you got a stamp avatar? I thought it costs at least 200m to get the cheapest stamp avatar

About that. Ninth is was rich. XD The Battledome Stamp avvie is so pretty though. @.@

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I'm so sorry about your account !


Items are meant to be bought , traded , gifted , whatever !!! there should be no limitation on that , or else if everyone kept their items , how would Neopets be a fun , interactive community !!!?! maybe it's because you went on a buying frenzy ?? I don't know .. but TNT seem to be lacking lots of common sense ...


I hope you get your account back soon ...


I'm such a huge fan of your comics , too :(

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Personally, I think it will. You are paying for the service after all! I am sure people would be ticked off if TNT kept charging them for an account they couldn't use, so you'll likely get priority support.


I am sorry this happened to you :(


I hope so. I also had an FQ cookie and Lab Ray cookie activated and when I get my account back, I'm gonna ask them to reset them xD After all, not my fault I got iced.

I'm so sorry that it happened to (the both of) you :c

I've received 'big items' as gifts before, and I've always been fearful that it would result in a freezing, partly because I'm naturally paranoid *cough*


I hope Ashleigh ( ^ ) is right and that having premium will speed things up for you! Good luck seems too tiny a consolation to offer, but it's all I've got /:


Yeah :/ I've been gifted some nice things before, and gifted nice things to people without getting any of us iced. This was different, sadly the items I was gifted were illegit. The person I sold one sword to isn't frozen. Can't trust anyone anymore it seems. I wish people didn't have to be so paranoid about gifting and getting frozen. I like being generous with my friends.

that sounds awful :( good luck getting your account back.


I feel pretty naive thinking it's only possible to get frozen for having a big mouth (since it got me frozen twice already) but to read that getting a highscore on games or accepting expensive gifts can get you frozen is just plain scary :(


Will our accounts ever be safe from tnt's evil freeze-ray?


Yeah sadly these swords were either scammed or bought from someone before me, and were gifted by my friend. It's awful knowing that something could be illegit and you have no idea and no way of telling most of the time. Luckily I was frozen to protect myself, so 99% sure TNT will give back my account.

you got a stamp avatar? I thought it costs at least 200m to get the cheapest stamp avatar

The BD set costed me a bit over 130 million.

Most of the stamps are cheap and are 150k and under. Rainbow Sticky Hand Stamp was 2 mil, Dark Battle Duck Stamp was 12 mil, and Battle Slices Stamp was 121 mil for me. Getting a seller for that last one was tougher than getting the np for it Dx


I'm so sorry about your account !


Items are meant to be bought , traded , gifted , whatever !!! there should be no limitation on that , or else if everyone kept their items , how would Neopets be a fun , interactive community !!!?! maybe it's because you went on a buying frenzy ?? I don't know .. but TNT seem to be lacking lots of common sense ...


I hope you get your account back soon ...


I'm such a huge fan of your comics , too :(


Yeah it's because I found out the swords were gotten illegitly from someone down the line Dx My poor friend was iced for "scamming" which he never did, just because he owned the swords. I was iced "for my protection./being scammed" since he was the one who gifted them to me.


And thanks. I had one submitted too :/ I was continuing to make more but I stopped, won't continue them till I get my account back.

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awe man, that really sucks! And scares me! My friend abandon her neopets account and basically unloaded all her stuff to me, some of it very expensive, but I'm sure all of her stuff was legit so I (hopefully) don't have anything to worry about. I really hope you get your account back soon! I'd love to see your amazing collection!

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awe man, that really sucks! And scares me! My friend abandon her neopets account and basically unloaded all her stuff to me, some of it very expensive, but I'm sure all of her stuff was legit so I (hopefully) don't have anything to worry about. I really hope you get your account back soon! I'd love to see your amazing collection!


Hopefully D:


And got a reply from Tony P last night, he asked /why/ I got the swords haha. Told him the whole story. And he's the one who returned my scammed np in May too. I hope I get another reply today, Tony typically replies to my tickets once a day.

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Hopefully D:


And got a reply from Tony P last night, he asked /why/ I got the swords haha. Told him the whole story. And he's the one who returned my scammed np in May too. I hope I get another reply today, Tony typically replies to my tickets once a day.

Oh, that's good! -crosses fingers- I hope that things get resolved quickly. :)

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Oh, that's good! -crosses fingers- I hope that things get resolved quickly. :)


Same, waiting it the hardest part.


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