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Whats the difference between account banned and frozen?


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Hi, haha I have another frozen account question. Before my main got frozen, I had been trying to get back an older account angel_chickz_4ever because I couldn't remember the birthday/email. I had to send in 2 tickets until I got a different reply from sorry we can't help you b/c you don't have the original e-mail. And even the different reply was unhelpful saying I had access to my account already!? Eventually I got tired of waiting and started to guess , and somehow guessed the birthday but then that made me realize I didn't know the password! Well today I finally remembered the password! Yes!! Only to be taken to the red-screen-of-death page saying my account was banned? No other reason was given except that. And when I try to look up my account, everything is still there! Does this mean that the account was deactivated because its been inactive? Or is it banned forever and hopless to get back? (And man this is just not my week at all! :()

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Wow, that sounds super frustrating!!! I don't know about the account banned thing, but I do know that my sister lost her old account and was unable to get it back and the situation sounded similar...


I hope your main account gets unfrozen soon! I would seriously cry if that happened to me haha.

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If I'm not mistaken a banned account is when someone is trying to gain access to it several times by entering incorrect information several times. TNT could see that as someone trying to hack in.

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haha yeah! I was so shocked by seeing the frozen sign that I didn't even realized that that meant I had gotten in the account at first! xD Then the anger kicked in lol. I was like what the heck neopets??


If I'm not mistaken a banned account is when someone is trying to gain access to it several times by entering incorrect information several times. TNT could see that as someone trying to hack in.

And really? I guess it would make sense because I was trying to guess my own password for days. But then I also had another account that I never used (and only found out about when trying to hunt down my old e-mail) that had the same account banned message, though I never tried guessing that password. Ughhhh darn you neopets, all I want to do is play neopets and now I'm going to be paranoid about getting any account of mine frozen TvT

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You see, the problem with this is, there are a lot of bad people just trying to get in to accounts to to bad stuff on them. While it *is* your account, what TNT sees is someone trying to take advantage of a long-lost account for their own "nefarious deeds".


Anyway, you can always send them a follow-up ticket, explain to them (politely!) what has been going on, provide the email address, birthday, password, and any other relevant information you have for the account you're trying to recover, like the first neopet you created, games you used to play on there, items you might remember having in your SDB, that sort of thing. The more info you can provide on that account, the more likely it is for them to do something about giving it back to you. Unfortunately everything TNT does is precautionary, and sometimes an account like yours just gets caught in the crossfire.

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I knew my impatient guessing was going to get me in trouble somehow. Well I had replied to the e-mail they had sent me before, saying that I had my account back, telling them that I didn't and that I was trying to guess my own password while waiting for them to reply. But they didn't reply to that, so today, after actually guessing my password, I replied to the e-mail again telling them I was able to get back on my account only to find out it has been banned, and that I have sent a new ticket under frozen accounts about it. Hopefully everything works out :\

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Um, if you replied to their email to you under [email protected], that will not get through to them. My tickets were always answered with:

If you have any questions, please let me know by responding to the ticket (not this email).


So that might be why you weren't getting any responses. You're going to have to send a follow-up by clicking "Additional Information" on the ticket number they responded to, which might get a faster response than opening up a new ticket. But since you already did, who knows, maybe they'll get to it soon enough :)

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Ahh I see. I got confused because on one page they said if you don't have access to the account, then you can respond to the e-mail for something. I'll see if I can find the additional information on the ticket number thingy.

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And since theres bad people out there,I suggest you change your password into one you can remember but hard for other people.

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After having my account broken into (a long time ago now), I've started using different passwords for everything. I think this is a good way to go about it, along with using rather long passwords composed of both letters and numbers. I write all my passwords down, so I won't have to remember them (as if I could, hah).

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I've learned my lesson lol, I always write down passwords and stuff now, because using the auto-fill in thingy where they remember the password for you will only get you into trouble when one day that auto-fill in thing doesn't work! :X

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Sorry to hear about your situation. Hopefully it will be resolved quickly!


If only they would do retinal or fingerprint identification instead of passwords...


Just keeding. Mostly.

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Haha I almost wish that was a thing! Then you wouldn't need to provide endless information only to get a reply that it isn't enough to prove its you T_T


So I thought I'd update-- today I finally got a reply! Yay right? But nope, same old sucky customer service (Aka automated reponse)


Ticket has been closed.

Thanks for writing! Recently, all account information on our Neopets servers was migrated over to a fancy new system to connect all Nickelodeon virtual worlds. However, accounts that were inactive for 2 years or longer were not transferred over to the new system and will be purged from our database within the next few months.


If you have not accessed your account within the past 2 years, I’m afraid that you will no longer be able to access that account. Once the account has been purged, you will be free to create a new account with the same username. Please note that the account will be a new account and will not contain any of your old pets, items, or Neopoints.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding!

Does this mean they can't unfreeze my account because they don't have it in their servers anymore? Should I even bother sending in another ticket? I'm guessing no though... But I'm confused because recently I found out I had an account I made back in 2006 but never ever used and was able to log in after like what 6 years of inactivity!? Sighhh neopets why must you be so complicated? :\



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