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Why must TNT put us up against Kiko Lake AGAIN?!


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This is our FOURTH time versing Kiko Lake ;~; Why cant TNT understand that people are getting bored of this years Altador Cup because the brackets are all messed up AND teams have versed other team 3+ times!!


Sorry i just needed this to get off my chest because i am annoyed.. :3

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Darigan Citadel. 3rd time. So tired. But at least it's incentive for me to work hard today and make it to rank 18. (or close to it)

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I actually like Meridell, but I am SO sick of facing them. That jubjub goalie's crying face is actually starting to bring me pleasure.


Hahaha...I love you Kiko Lakers, but your bouncing kikos were starting to make me dizzy!! It seriously was better when we got to face each team twice...It seemed more fair and there was more variety. Hopefully TNT will listen to feedback from this year!!

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