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Hello everyone~


I'm Hikora, and I have the same username on Neopets. :3 I've used this site for the past 2 weeks I've returned to Neopets, and finally got around to joining the forms. Sooo...a little about me I guess?


I've been on this Neo for 4 1/2 years, but I took a 4 year break, so I guess I've been playing for six months in total? The reason for my 4 year hiatus? Hacker. But I'm getting past it and rebuilding my account again. In total, I've been playing for 7 years with different accounts. I'm also saving for a lab ray or two, so that I can zap and adopt out pets to other users. However, that goal comes after painting my beautiful Xweetok Faerie. (He's pretty much my spoiled baby)


Off-Neo, I live in the USA, I'm female, and my name is Kari. I play soccer and build sets for my school's plays and musical. I also like RPing and drawing. Hopefully I get to do some art trades. I was browsing and there are such pretty drawings and talented artists on this forum~


I guess if anyone is curious about anything else, ask? I don't mind random questions at all.

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Hi there, and welcome! -offers cookies- I hope you like it here on the forums. :)

I'm sorry about the hacker. :( They kind of ruin everything, don't they. :/ I hope you're able to rebuild pretty quickly. In case you haven't started it already, I hiiiiiighly recommend Habitarium. It's such an easy (and cute!) way of earning a lot of NP. I reached my neopoint goals so much faster by leveling up on there. :) (If you are new to it, and you need some help, or want to be gifted something, just let me know! I'm always happy to give out storages or whatnot. :))

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Hello! :D Welcome to the forums. My name is Kayla!

I'm really sorry to hear about the hacker. :c That's honestly like, my worst nightmare.

I bought the last two things in your shop to get you about 5k closer to getting a lab map and what not! c: I'm here if you ever need anything. :mario:

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Oh wow such warm welcomes, thank you! Yeah, it was really hard at first. I was 1-2 pieces away from finishing with 1 mill np in the bank, and once I got my account back, they were all gone along with one if my pets he had pounded. ^-^; But I'm trying my best.


scoptophobia- I'm addicted to Habitariun. xD


Pikachuu- Awww, you really didn't have to do that, but I appreciate the gesture.


Vasama- Haha, thanks? I'm personally not a fan of giant vegetables.


Ashbash- Thanks~

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Oh wow such warm welcomes, thank you! Yeah, it was really hard at first. I was 1-2 pieces away from finishing with 1 mill np in the bank, and once I got my account back, they were all gone along with one if my pets he had pounded. ^-^; But I'm trying my best.


scoptophobia- I'm addicted to Habitariun. xD


Pikachuu- Awww, you really didn't have to do that, but I appreciate the gesture.


Vasama- Haha, thanks? I'm personally not a fan of giant vegetables.


Ashbash- Thanks~

Awww, that really sucks. :( Though, you'll get it all back soonish, I'm sure. :D Habi is such a godsend. :D

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Greetings, and welcome to TDN!

My name is Neomysterion, age 20, and I'm a forum mod and lurker over here at TDN. I like to play and collect vintage Nintendo games at times, and raise a lot of Limited Edition Neopets, too.


Any questions? Ask me via PM, Neomail, or another method.

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