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Honestly, it depends what you asked for - we try to reply the day a message is sent, but sometimes for particular items there are waiting lists :(


By your Terror Mountain comment, I guess you're one of the waiting Icy lends? When I looked last night there were still 2 Icy lends waiting... we have all three of us with Icy Snowflakes to lend but that one still ends up with people waiting since everyone wants to borrow them at the same time xD

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Brandon - the reason we ask for collateral shouldn't be too much of a mystery. The majority of people we lend to are great, they provide their collateral and after obtaining the avatar, they return the item with no fuss and they get their collateral back, which is what we like :P. Sometimes however we lend items which are not returned. It's annoying, yes, but not a total loss because we can replace the item with their collateral. Same goes for Neo Random Events - for example if the Pant Devil steals it. We know that isn't the users fault but that's the risk you take, plus if you make sure you have at least fourty items in your inventory the chances of having the lent item stolen are slim. So yeah, things like that. I hope that makes sense and answers your question!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am sure these questions are around here somewhere, but I sure can't find it :) Can I sign up to be on more than one month of the pet chains? Or, should I just do one month at a time? Also, did I understand correctly that I can not sign up for the month we are currently in? For example, I can not request to be in the pet chain for March? Thanks in advance for helping me understand a little bit better!

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Yes, you can sign up for multiple months. You just can't sign up for say two chains that are both running in April. I prefer if you want to sign up for more than one chain that you send them all in the same mail.


And no, you cannot sign up for chains in the current month after the 4th of that month, when I finalize and send out all the lists to everyone in the chain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First time posting, thanks in advance for your patience. I was happy to earn the Turtum avatar for getting 100+ at Bullseye II, which I've been trying to do for months, and I just strolled up and won it this morning, wasn't even thinking about the avatar. Just a casual game. But that is off-topic.


I'd like to gain some good will by giving you guys a donation. I'll see if I can find that topic elsewhere. And it'll have to wait until I get the Sell! Sell! avatar, which I'm fairly close to doing. My problem is that I'm not willing to just buy 1000 shares of an expensive stock and get it over with. I always by a 15 or 16 if there's no 15. Anyhoo, I look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with the ALP, etc.


[Edit:] Ah yes, it seems this is the place to donate: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=tdnalp


Please verify lest I pay ##### np for some sand.

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  • 2 months later...


The ALP team will be happy to lend to you if you send a PM to TDN Avatar Lending (but you have to meet the requirements). I'll just give you a link that outlines the process: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/511-item-lending-procedure/ OR http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/10517-joining-a-chain-pet-lending-proceedure/


That last one is for pet lending. Happy being lent! :D

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