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Perma-silenced for nothing. -_-


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actually you're not allowed to talk about personal info of any kind , even on neomail


here are a few things that got me warned in the past


- do you have facebook ?


- i bought a cigar to celebrate my new job


........ perma-silencing you seems a bit harsh , though !!!!

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actually you're not allowed to talk about personal info of any kind , even on neomail


here are a few things that got me warned in the past


- do you have facebook ?


- i bought a cigar to celebrate my new job


........ perma-silencing you seems a bit harsh , though !!!!


Ironic, since they allow people to directly link their facebooks to Neopets. *facepalm*


And oh gawd, you can't be serious. -dies inside-


Meh, hopefully they'll let me off though. Perma silencing for that stuff seriously is pretty bad >_>

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Users can't make offsite friends and stop giving your ads hits if they can't escape the black hole of Neopets. ;)


(really, though, there's plenty of ways to verify account age and allow looser restrictions for older members in private...)


Quoted for truth :laughingsmiley:

Yeah they really should kinda loosen up. I mean, it's the older players who are actually more likely to dish out money on this game and play seriously. The little kids are the ones who just play games for small keeps of NP, feed their pets nicely, etc. (you know, the initial point we all started at XD)

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It's weird that they would just permanently silence you immediately like that. Have you been warned before? I feel like over the years I've gotten at least 4 warnings and I'm still able to use neomail and everything on there. I'm really sorry. I hope they get back to you soon with some good news. :)

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Huh. I never get in trouble for talking about RL. That's not what it is. It could be a combination of the fact that you brought up both Skype and MSN in the same neomail. And I have gotten warned, because I was talking to my friend about the AC, and TNT thought MSN was the IM chat thing, so no, it's not allowed.


But, yeah. Perma-silencing was a little bit harsh. :(

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It's weird that they would just permanently silence you immediately like that. Have you been warned before? I feel like over the years I've gotten at least 4 warnings and I'm still able to use neomail and everything on there. I'm really sorry. I hope they get back to you soon with some good news. :)


Nope, never. I've never even played actively on this account until about 1 month ago when I rebuilt on it.


@idriya Oh mann, double-whammy ! T^T



Well guys, thanks for the kindness in response to my troubling situation. I appreciate your thoughts and comments! =)

What I can do for now is just wait for TNT to respond to my ticket and hopefully they will not take tooo long. I would at least like to know if it really was that Skype/MSN thing that did me in !


Now time to sleep, it's 6:30 in the morning zzzz

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Oh no! :( That seems rediculously harsh. :/ I think that a warning, maybe a week silence or something would have been more appropriate. :/ Hopefully they loosen up!

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i got warned for discussing youtube as a place to see mini clips from a movie a neofriend and i had both seen (Despicable Me, the little minion short movies) in a neomail. even though we both are neofriends, and well, pretty much neo doesn't let you type google (also a warnable offence)


its a huge pain when you want to contact neofriends. can't discuss a whole bunch of things.


i wish you good luck with your ticket, i do hope you get your account's voice back. otherwise the alternative is to make a new main, :( or use a side account for negotiating trading (a friend does that) but it is harder for a number of reasons (inconvenient, also looks more like a scam to other users.. etc.. :( ) *hug* all the best ^_^

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I got silenced for a week for calling my irl friend "sxe"


it was like

"Hey Hanna!"


"What's up sxe?"

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