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A Wild Newbie Appears! *cue battle theme*


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Hello there!


I'm new to the forums!

Hope we can all have some great conversations. :)


Main life goals:

Graduate university on Wednesday (99% Complete!)

Get married on June 29th (...65% Complete? Still a lot to do.)


Main Neopets Goals:

Get more avatars!

Get better at games.

Up ChenChek's skill in Battledome, as it is currently at a PATHETIC level. *sigh* Fighting has never really been my thing...

Also, either convince TNT to give me my PIN, or remember what it was. :(


Moving on, great to meet you! Call me Sendryl! Or Sen, or Dryl, or "HEY YOU!", whatever works. *shrug*





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Welcome to TDN :D


Congrats on your upcoming graduation, as well as your marriage. :D


You've definitely come to the right place. We have a really great, helpful community here.

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A wild Neomysterion appeared!

Neomysterion used Welcome at the new user!

New member is pleased.


Really, I'm another forum mod. No need to fear, I've come to help/assist you on your visit here at The Daily Neopets! Make sure you've read the forum guidelines before moving on.


Everyone at TDN is very helpful in a good number of ways. If you are stuck on anything or have a question, contact me or another person on staff, we're always glad to be of assistance!

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Hey and welcome to the forums! Love the title of this topic by the way. Congratulations on graduating and your upcoming marriage! I just completed my 5th year of undergrad, one more year to go before I graduate but I'm definitely looking forward to it! What are your plans after graduation? Job or Grad school or anything like that? :)

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Congrats on graduating! What were you majoring in, if you don't mind me asking?

And congrats on the marriage! I'm a big fan of summer weddings.


I recently started getting into the Battledome also...Zoogletra lost quite a few fights recently, so he was sent back to train more lol.

As for your PIN, if you go to the PIN preferences


Scroll to the bottom and you can retrieve your PIN by email. :)

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Hi there, welcome to the forums! :D

Congrats on your upcoming marriage and graduation- how exciting! :D

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Welcome to the forums!


Congrats on graduating and your marriage!


Like everyone above me has said, if you need help just ask anyone-we don't bite!


Oh btw, the cookie table is over here. -hands cookie- :D

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Welcome to Tdn....

I am Omega the Keeper of light....

if you want the sun´s power show me your own..

(starts Boss music)



Congratulations for Completed/almost completed your Goals....

You can call meh Omega,Dullahan,Zeo or Ragnarok....

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Everyone's so friendly here! :D

I majored in Liberal Studies and got my credential to teach elementary school at the same time (my school had a nifty program), and graduation was on Wednesday!

Finally free! It felt good to walk out of there for the last time.


Haha, Neomysterion and woodnymph cracked me up there.

I'm glad so many of you got the Pokemon reference.


Plans after graduation are to get married and move to Canada, then do some more schooling there so I can teach there.

So, sadly I'm not entirely done yet. :( But close enough for celebration!


I suppose that's it for now! I'm currently trying to get more game avatars as well as work on ChenChek's level so I can up all his stats and finally beat the Ghost Lupe! A stunningly difficult goal, I know. XD

If you take a look at my scores... You'll easily be able to determine that I am a very impatient person.

Next time, that Lupe is goin DOWN. Yessssssss... My pressssscioussssss... Wait, wrong universe. Rewind that last bit, mkay?


See you all later! I gotta get back to packing! D:

You never realize how much stuff you've accumulated until you have to sort through it. Oh well, I guess I always knew that Pack Rat avatar hit close to home.




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