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lright, so can someone explain this to me, because I'm a tad bit confused...


The cookie allows DOUBLE (without the limit) for 24/7. So that means, say, you get the max limit 1,000 NP earned, you'll now get 2,000 NP? Or does it merely mean that you earn double with the limited of 1,000 NP?


It allows double NP for 24 hours (meaning instead of 1K you'd get 2k.) On featured games, it would allow 4 times the limit, since the featured game is already doubled (double it again, and you get 4x), so you'd get 4K each play, making that 12k for the featured game.


The thing with premium is that it requires a monthly commitment to really pay off - and it's not cheap. It's also been around a lot longer. Also, the SSW runs out after so many searches.

Also, there are some items you can't search for.


Immagine if you used the game cookie this month on the weekend where you can send 5 scores instead of 3...You could easily make at least 100K, in about 10-15minutes.


The only thing I have to say about this is that when I was a young Neopian I was promised that I would never have to pay to use Neopets.

I was irritated by Neopets Premium, and I was flabbergasted when I came back from hiatus to learn about the newly instated NC mall, and that the Neopian Economy was thrown out of wack almost as a result! Okay okay, fine, buy some pretty things for your Neopets will real money, that's well enough. But this stuff is just going too far.

It's not fair to exclude users who either are young and don't work, or are low on funds and can't afford to buy Neocash items. I myself am dirt poor. I always appreciated that I could log into Neopets and know that if I worked my butt off and had fun along the way, I could earn Neopoints and become a high class member of Neopian society. Now, my personal poverty leaks into my online life in Neopia. That's not right. I am so frustrated by the fact that my low income will make it impossible for me to gain access to certain areas/events on the site. Why should someone who has more money than me in life be able to gain an advantage on me in Neopia?


(Okay, so maybe that wasn't the only thing I had to say...)


I miss the old days when Neopets was full of terrible animation, goofy British humour, and always seemed to be a step away from getting in trouble for Copyright Infringement. Adam into thy hands I commend my spirit. Donna, why hast thou forsaken me?


(Yeah okay that was cheesy... I need to go to bed before I start another rant!!)


To be honest, for me the lab ray cookie crossed the line, never mind such a large potential sum of np being procured. Also, with the thing about it being a sort of counter attack to neopoint sellers... I can't help feeling it could make it worse. The sellers could potentially buy a cheap source to double their daily making-to-sell np.


I guess we'll see how it goes when the cookie is officially released.


This is crazy. When the lab ray cookie came out I felt my stomach drop a bit because the principle seemed a little iffy - pay and get a chance of an expensively coloured pet.


Now this? They're practically selling neopoints for Neocash...which is real money! That can get you frozen! My respect for TNT is dwindling by the day :/


This really seems like a shameless attempt at getting more cash in, and I really am not happy about it. While I wish I could say I'm not falling for any more of TNT's crap, I had bought quite a bit of the last fortune cookies and still have mixed feelings about spending any more NC. I hope they're rethinking the game cookie, and that's why they pulled it off. Maybe they're redesigning it to something more reasonable.


Looks like TNT is in fact going through with this and they will be returning to the mall.


How long will I be able to receive 2X NP?

Once the Games Fortune Cookie is opened, you will be granted 24 hours of 2X Neopoints (3X if you're really lucky) for all games played. The 24 hour countdown start once the cookie is opened.


How will I know when my cookie expires?

The countdown clock for the amount of time left to receive 2X (or 3X Neopoints) will be shown at the top of the Games Room page. http://www.neopets.com/games/


Will I be able to open multiple Games Fortune Cookies at once?

Yes, you will be able to open multiple Games Fortune Cookies to add more time to your clock.


Will the Games Fortune Cookie apply on top of other promotions?

Yes, the Games Fortune Cookie can be applied among any promotion we have going on such as 5X score, Featured Game, and more!


I'm ... ... ... speechless.


I'm honestly, genuinely speechless


I think I'm going to look at TNT with a slack jaw and a 'WHAT ARE YOU THINKING' look on my face


If this isn't going to be abused, then someone needs to declare me the new Queen of Spain.


TNT, you disappoint me on every level. Are you becoming the same people that sell NP for real life cash?








Sorry for the large pic, I couldn't find a smaller one. But I believe it sums up my feelings about this whole thing, and fits the whole idea in general.



Really selling NP for cash...


Love to put this pic on my UL to protest/rase awarness, but I'd get warned/or banned for making fun of TNT. (they did warn me once about that...)


I'm ... ... ... speechless.


I'm honestly, genuinely speechless


I think I'm going to look at TNT with a slack jaw and a 'WHAT ARE YOU THINKING' look on my face


If this isn't going to be abused, then someone needs to declare me the new Queen of Spain.


TNT, you disappoint me on every level. Are you becoming the same people that sell NP for real life cash?

Yeah, this is basically what I'm feeling right now. I can't believe they've actually done this.

Shame on you, TNT, shame on you. D:<




nothing else to say but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


this is actually appalling.. I can't form a coherent opinion but lol wow way to compromise the integrity of the site!!!!!!!!!


And TNT just smiles like this while watching us scream in agony and rage:




"Problem, everyone?"


This is so disappointing... I really have no words... I had a hard time coming to terms with NC in the first place and now that I accept and even have some of my own... THIS! There is a fine line with NC between what is fair and what isn't. Lets not forget that at heart Neo is a kids game and I know if this Cookie thing had been around when I first started I never would have kept playing... I think it is truly unfair.... Just so so disappointing...


TBH TNT have never exactly been the epitome of fairness. They discriminate between users on many different levels, US only games/promos, extra advent calendar prizes for people in NC access countries only...this doesn't surprise me at all, but i enjoy playing neo enough not to quit or complain to TNT (out of fear of being frozen)

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