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Mysterious Negg Journey - Solve The Puzzle!

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Rutu - Shenkuu

This is my guess based on the charts, maps and such that Rutu the poogle holds. I also feel like it may be Rutu because when they suggested stargazing the knight got all huffy and proclaimed that he wouldn't take the clockwork negg.. Everyone else thought it was an awkward moment... I could be pulling at straws here but I'm going to keep my guess in... :nerd:


It seems to me that the Kiko (Ricky) must take the glass negg to Brightvale since HE DOESN'T HAVE LEGS and therefore cannot "misstep."


I chose Hurok - Lost Desert because this was my first instinct from the beginning. We'll see how things play out. Good luck everyone!


I've been reading what people are saying and I have things to add.


First off Ricky is most likely the one writing, and Hurok is the Knight (look at outfit, and Ricky is tots a nerd, a knight wouldnt wear glasses.... they can break then you cant see to fight)


Also I think all of the people/places mentioned are the ones that are taking the other neggs to different locations. The places mentioned are the places the other four neggs are going and they are trying to figure out who is going where. In other words, the only two places the Clockwork negg can be is kiko lake and altador. Rutu is going to Shenkuu and she does not have the clockwork negg (because then thats just too easy lol)


ok so


Rutu - Shenkuu not clockwork negg


Voughn - cloud --> some believe that means altador


Selvin - not lost desert or brightvale or the clockwork negg (wizard is too picky) --> leave with kiko or altador


Hurok - Knight not clockwork negg --> most likely the glass negg (bc they mentioned how worried they are about the fragile negg) so brightvale


Ricky - writer - most likely the one taking the clock work negg => location kiko or altador I think


So my big question is who goes to lost desert? if look at clothing, the only people who have clothes they might work for lost desert is Voughn or Ricky (Voughn has the goggles!) so I think


Rutu - Shenkuu some negg


Voughn - Lost desert cloud negg


Selvin - (wizard) kiko or altador some negg


Hurok - (knight) brightvale glass negg


Ricky - (writer) kiko or altador clockwork negg


soooo whattya think?



sorry long entry --> selvin is dressed all fancy like... altador? and the writer said "Another mentioned good time for star gazing" so the writer isnt saying it would be good time to star gaze (Would say plus its a good time to star gaze or something) and ppl think star gazing = altador soooo


My guess


Ricky - kiko lake clockwork negg


Based on the thoughts and comments I've read, here's what I've come up with for location and person:


Ricky went to the Lost Desert


Rutu went to Shenkuu


Hurok went to Brightvale


Voughn went to Altadore


Selvin went to Kiko Lake



This is all assuming that, based on the picture, Hurok is the Knight. Which would put him in Brightvale.


As for actual Negg locations, all I have is my own guess: Whoever went to Brightvale has the glass negg, and Voughn has the Cloud negg.


ok im assuming that this:




means that the knight was not the one who stated preference for star-gazing (which i am taking to be altador). therefore, imo the knight did not go to altador.





I think, since it's a group of people talking, that someone is just mentioning to Ruto that the stars are more visible in Shenkuu at this time of year... I don't think it's another clue for another person.


If you notice after they mention a clue or a new part to the story that it is followed by a line or two about it, such as with the glass negg and when he then talks about the weather and the volunteers possible struggle...

Posted (edited)

I go for Ricky and Kiko lake, just because I belive there's not much thing going on on Kiko Lake, so this would give some action there... Total guess, though.

Anyway, choose one and get it, you can change it later, so If more clues are out and you are wrong you can change. If you are right, you got the correct one first, and I think the prize might be better.


Edit: Some gender info. I read the clues in spanish, and it mentions that the Knight is a he, because the article used it's masculine. Same for the one going to Brightvale, mentions volunteer with a masculine article...

Edited by Mireia

I guessed Ricky to Altador. I used the team picture to try and figure out each one.


Selvin is the wizard obviouly, and in the picture, she is pictured with a staff.

So Im guessing the team are:


Hurok: Knight (she seems to be carrying some kind of weapon)

Rutu: Navigator (Maps in the bag?)

Voughn: Pilot? goggles?

Ricky, looks like some kind of professor. He may be writing the book, and with Altador, they have a library full of knowledge etc, so it sorta makes sense in my eyes. Still a guess however.


I think I'm gonna guess Selvin in Kiko Lake because like a few have stated before, every members locations are pre-determined. Since the wizard, Selvin is so picky, I have a feeling that the she continued to switch places with people.


If I would have put the glass negg somewhere, it'd be Kiko Lake and since the person carrying the glass negg went to Brightvale instead of Selvin, I'd guess that the wizard ended up in Kiko Lake.


Had to register and post.. Selvin may not be going to Kiko Lake. Might be, but might not. The "another" statement does not add anything, simply stating that there is another person in the group aside from Rutu, who wanted to go stargazing. In that statement, the knight could still be a different person, or it could be Rutu or the other. The ONLY confirmed things are Rutu-Shenkuu, Brightvale-Glass, Wizard-Selvin, Cloud-Voughn. A few things have been nullified aside from that, and so much Layton has told me not to trust the pictures too much. I'm saying there isn't enough information to make a proper guess, but I still went with Hurok and LD since that's what a majority of you guys came up with. All I'm saying is, some people are assuming wayy more than they should.


Honestly, I kind of think TNT got the pictures of the characters messed up; I can't see how the Ixi is the wizard of the group. Oh, well, maybe that's just me.


I think the glass negg was selected to go to Brightvale because of the glass windows. So it's safe to say that the cloud negg would go to Altador?


Also, it says "the traveller responsible for delivering the glass Negg was more than happy to go there." Wouldn't a knight be more than happy to go to a place like Brightvale?

But then... If Altador is where the cloud negg is then Selvin the wizard would have to go to Kiko Lake... Why would a wizard go to Kiko Lake?


I think the glass negg was selected to go to Brightvale because of the glass windows. So it's safe to say that the cloud negg would go to Altador?


Also, it says "the traveller responsible for delivering the glass Negg was more than happy to go there." Wouldn't a knight be more than happy to go to a place like Brightvale?

But then... If Altador is where the cloud negg is then Selvin the wizard would have to go to Kiko Lake... Why would a wizard go to Kiko Lake?


Well, for starters, Selvin seems like quite a picky neopet. I'd add annoying, but that's besides the point. Maybe s/he chose this location specifically because it's very quiet and nothing ever really happens there?


I went with Ricky and in the Lost Desert. That's mostly because I already picked Hurok to be the knight and that the knight went to Brightvale, based on the drawings... since Ricky looks un-knightly. But of course maybe the picture is there to throw us off. In the end it'll probably be a lesson to us all not to judge based on looks LOL


I have to say Hurok and Lost Desert were my choice even without reading all the things you figured out guys.

But seems so obvious, I don't know, I'm not totally sure yet...

Hurok Is the one who looks more fierce, so he easily could be the Knight, as isn't the Kau.

But seriously, all the relics and mysteries would end on the Lost Desert???


I don't know why but I'm still thinking that TNT could be talking about a Knight as an ancient royal title for gentlemans or so, that could explain the rich-boy look of Ricky.

More a Moltara-nerd-geek look, I have to say. I'm not-it-all attached on Kikos, I don't like them so I could not care where he would go if he's the famous Knight.


But if Ricky isn't the Knight, it would have more than sense if Ricky goes to Kiko Lake, wouln't it?


About Selvin, the guy is pretty much insane, but magicians likes starts, you know?

He's my candidate for Altador, as a lot of rituals have to be ruled by moon, planets and starts positions, they know a lot about astronomy XD



By the way! Who said Hurok isa Poogle? Is an Acara, and for his eyes, is some kind of cousin of Roberta xD


Okay, so I guess when we're submitting our guess, we have to put in who we think has the clockwork negg and where they went, right?


So the options are:


Lost Desert




Kiko Lake








What we know for sure:

Selvin - Does not go to: Lost Desert, Brightvale, or Shenkuu.

Voughn - Takes the cloud negg

Rutu - Goes to Shenkuu

Knight (Either Hurok or Ricky) - Does not want to take the clockwork negg

Other Person (Either Hurok or Ricky) - Takes the glass negg and goes to Brightvale.


From that, we know the people we can conclude who aren't with the clockwork negg are: Hurok, Ricky, or Voughn.

And the clockwork negg is not at: the Lost Desert or Brightvale.


So either Selvin or Rutu have the clockwork negg and they are going to either Shenkuu, Altador, or Kiko Lake.


This is getting confusing guys...did this help anyone? lol XD


That's pretty much what i came up with after i scraped my brain up off the floor :sad02: I have

Rutu to shenku

selvin to kiko

or hurok to lost desert.

I believe hurok is the author and as there is a bit on the front page of the quest that says

The author gathered up a team, each of whom took a different Negg to one of Neopia's lands, making the original Negg harder to track.

I took that to mean that the rest of the team other than the author took the remaining neggs,ie not the clockwork one. Which would leave hurok with the clockwork one at the lost desert


I chose Rutu to Shenkuu with the negg. Hopefully it'll be riht but who knows. Good luck everyone!


This has been messing with my mind all day! In the end I went for Ricky to the Lost Desert like a few others, but reading more of what you guys are saying, I'm second guessing myself already. Hopefully more clues will be released soon and it'll get a bit easier!


I'm brain fried!


on the looks.. (not logically)

i can state that

Hurok__ has a shenkuu dress- masculine -might be going to shenkuu

Selvin__ has a staff and light armor (maybe a wizard)- femenine (long eyelashes) not sure where she will go maybe altador

Rutu__ has a hissiplate (sort of XD) a book and maps... (maybe the one who wrote the journal and the one who formed the group considering the map which i think he will give to the members...)- masculine - maybe brightvale

Voughn__ has googles and a sort of deserty dress-masculine- might be going to lost desert

Ricky... Don't know how to describe this but i think he's gong to kiko lake considering he's a kiko.

this is just a conclusion on the LOOKS ONLY not on the journal

Betcha' minds all jumble now eh...?


but i pick lost desert___hurok ^_^


Hi all!


I guessed:


Rutu - Shenkuu

Selvin - Kiko Lake

Hurok - Brightvale

Voughn - Altador

Ricky - Lost Desert


It was really a toss-up between Ricky and Hurok on the locations... but I believe Hurok is the knight, so that made it easier.


Good luck!


EDIT - I strongly feel that Ricky the Kiko is writing this. It isn't mentioned who is taking it to the Lost Desert, or anything about Ricky. Plus, his drawing has that "professor" feel to it...


I also guessed for today until we get new information: Rutu and Shenkuu


Selvin: Altador or Kiko Lake

Hurok: LD/Brightvale/Altador/Kiko lake

Voughn: LD/Kiko Lake/Altador

Ricky: LD/Bightvale/Kiko Lake/Altador.


Too many choices to narrow down right now... I currently think the one who took the clockwork negg is between Selvin and Rutu. Since voughn doesn't have it and that leaves only Ricky/Hurok as the knight who didn't take it, and the person who took the glass negg to Brightvale.

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