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Welcome to April!


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TDN welcomes you to the month of April!


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This month, we have these events:

  • April Fool's Day on April 1st
  • Shoyru Day on April 2nd
  • Grey Day on April 14th
  • Krawk Day on April 16th
  • Lutari Day on April 19th
  • Kougra Day on April 22nd
  • The Cybunny Carnival on April 27th

Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers

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The foods that my pets have obtained today:








Honey and Wheat Baguette








Strawberry and Cream Fish Pop








Baby Kougra Custard








Coconut Cream Steak


Also, April's my favourite month. Not only the month where players can get the chance to create a Lutari and/or a Cybunny, this is the month of my birthday (April 18th). I'm also looking forward to the Festival of Neggs.


Festival of Neggs = Easter Wearables (possibly) and other cool spring-themed goodies!

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Anyone notice all the parts of the prank? I've seen 3 so far, I wonder how they come together:

1) On the news they're saying you have to abandon a neopet if you have 4, when I went to see what the pound looks like (and I just have 2 neopets) there was a countdown and abandoning was impossible (Maybe that's a means of protection for people who took it seriously? Could someone with 4 neopets see if there's the same countdown?)

2) There's a problem with shop wizard - he still returns results, you just can't see the cost without entering the shop, instead you see either unrelated numbers, or random words and math formulas and whatnot 2/3 of the time, and the picture is of the jubjub with a headache...


3) In trades, and this is quite recent, there's a tyrannian neopet standing guard who won't let you trade anything but dung and no more than 1000 np. Found this out when I was trying to borrow from the ALP, as a matter of fact.



So... guess what'll go wrong next? And will TNT'll blame it on the bugs escaping from Roo Island?

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1) There's the same countdown if you have 4 pets too. :)


[Edit] I forgot about Freebies until I'd posted and saw Mysterion's post! This month my pets got:


Crysttella the Uni received Stuffed Frog (gross!).



Eranoyl the Cybunny received Flat Bread.



Tsinamia the Kougra received Scarab Cookie.



Yoshrianeo the Yurble received Cherry Milkshake.



Happy April everyone!

Edited by CrazyBiscuit
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Also, it appears the auction genie can't search anything but dung items and almost eveyr page of the most recent auction is filled with dung petpets/books/food/furniture etc. If you click on the user who's supposedly auctioning it the genie searches dung yet again.


If you try and bid on a dung item, Nigel the Chia magically blocks your bid so I'm guessing none of these items are up for grabs. Regular non-dung items are still up for sale though!


Can't telll if this is funny or just really smelly >.<


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I very much hope that this is part of awesome sauce:

I was using the Secret Lab, and Hivl is my Labrat; I zapped Hivl, but it hit the wrong pet and turned my electric Eyrie into a Maraquan Poogle. I know that Maraquan Poogles are worth more than electric Eyries, but I liked him as an Eyrie.Lab%20Ray%20Post%201.png


Does he always say just?


Also, the avatar becomes available when the Shoip Wiz is feeling better?

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Both lab rays worked fine for me (just did nothing), but I noticed in auctions it wasn't just dung items, there were 2 books about <dung>eons there, so apparently it's not TNT putting up select auctions but just a filter. Oh, and Blue Bean Bag Chair was there among the dung for no apparent reason, which was the only item possible to bid on.

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My pets got: Mouldy Potato, Plain Mashed Potato, Cherry Milkshake, and Cherry Pie. Looks like the men were in a mood for potatoes while the ladies craved cherries. Hey, the Cherry Milkshake is one of Shuhune's favourites, too! :D


Weak awesome sauce opportunity of a lifetime, but nice to have multiple ones. But I sure wish Neopia did have male faeries sometimes. At least it's better than last year's! XD

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