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You saw my April Fool's topic? Apparently somebody had beat me to it when I had planned this already a few days ago. I forgot to make the topic yesterday. i had no idea somebody else planned to make an April Fool's topic as well!



Why can there only be ONE board of a topic, ever? My idea was slightly different, it was of what you considered the best and worst pranks TNT has ever done.


Yes, I'm VERY upset. I put a lot of work into that first post, and it's all been ruined thanks to somebody creating an April 1st board ahead of me yesterday. I can't help that I forgot!


It's like having your hard work gone to waste. Do you understand that pain? I feel like my idea and hard work has been stolen from me.


Because if we can have 2 boards of the same topic, who's to say we can't have 7 or 12, or 20? If there are multiple boards, then the discussion gets fragmented OR, people would have to post an almost identical reply to every board. It's easier to try an condense things so discussion about a certain topic (especially one that's seasonal or only relevent for a short period of time) is in one spot. It would only take either a quick search or, because the threads were made so close together, looking through a page or two of topics before realizing one already existed.


I'm really sorry that it happened to you, and yes, your topic was very great! I understand how hard it is to have the perfect topic planned, to what to be unique and playful, only to have it taken from you. Of course, you know that the other person who had made the other topic had no intention on stealing any plan (I know you said you only feel it, not think it). I understand why the staff want to keep things organized. But what happens if they let other people make multiple posts on the same topic? o-0 And if they let you do it, then they have to allow it for everyone else. It could become messy/confusing.


Perhaps they could have merged/moved your perspectives into the other one? I guess "first come first serve" sort of basis works; it's fair. How else should they go about it?


Anyway, I read it. ^^ I liked it.


Just paste your comment in the other thread and problem solved?

It's not like the other user planned to "scoop you" on the topic, and it's not like you got in any trouble. It's just to keep things orderly.


WOW...... You know what; I am not going to be the one walking on eggshells this time.


Aren't you, like, exaggerating just a little bit now? I know it's no fun when you do something and then it turns out someone already did it before you, but come on, it is just a topic... Nothing to get this upset about. Right now you are acting like I walked into your house and stole the blueprints to your secret plan or something.


Please don't get me wrong, I never had any problems with you, and I don't have them now, either. I am sorry that I "ruined your plan" but things like that happen, that's life. It's not like I plotted this out. I can't go around asking permission from everyone to post a topic about something. And think of it like this; how would you feel if you made the first topic, I made the second, and then I would go around making this topic about yours? Would you feel happy or good reading this when it was about something you wrote?


This kind of makes me wonder what it was that you posted on my profile and then deleted earlier though... :/




is this thread an april fools joke? please tell me it is


^ I really, TRULY hope so... :/

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