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These books were recently retired ... and are selling like crazy on the shopwiz for 20k+ each ... if you have any of those , hold on to them or sell for a quick profit ... I've got a couple of those stashed away in my SDB ... I sold like a ton of books a couple weeks ago and I'm sure there were a lot of Neopian Encyclopedias among them ... bleh .. but I still have a few :) anyway , just wanted to give you this list :



Neopian Encyclopedia A - E

Neopian Encyclopedia F - J

Neopian Encyclopedia K - O

Neopian Encyclopedia P - T

Neopian Encyclopedia U - Z

All About Light Faeries

Radio Active Pteri Part 1

Koi Owners Manual

Healing Koi

Train Koi

Feed Koi

JubJub Manual

Big Foot the JubJub

JubJub Roll!

All You Need to Know About Your JubJub

JubJubs Day

Oopsy Daisy

Scaredy Acara

Blumaroo Guide To Dancing

Purple Power

Kiko - Fu

Kiko Care

Keeping Peophin

Cybunny Financing

The Great Chomby

The Angry Chomby

The Art Of Cybunnies

The Happy Blumaroo

Drawing Kiko

When Your Meercas Hurt

Confident Kyrii

A Tale of Two Lupes

Feeding Lupes

Inside the Mind of a Lupe

Kaus Guide to Better Grazing

Raising Young Kau

Dance Away




and look what I just sniped :D




I bought the ones I needed to read to my pet on thursday morning. I spent between 200 and 300k for 24 books. Crazy, but they will cost more as they rapidly inflate.


I've read all the following books to my Kiko before the books spiked to unbuyable prices, cost me over 300,000 NP to buy all the ones she has yet to read. If you are aiming for the Neopian Book Award, this is a very critical time for these users.


Also Angelo, nice job on the snipe.


I'm pretty sure Ellos has read all of those... if not I guess I'll get a nice shock in the future XD


Awesome post Angelo, thanks for letting us know! :D


Thanks. Spent about 300k to read the ones I haven't already read and spent just about the same for ones to keep and resell. :S


See I knew hoarding books was a good idea. I have two of the retired ones on this account, and I had tons of those on my previous account. I hope it'll get unfrozen soon and that the books are still there :)

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