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In the past , I used to harvest eggs and have all my P3's die together so I would hatch all 45 eggs at once ... and guarantee a week of P3's not dying .. but the hatching of 45 P3's is pretty tedious ...


these days .. I let them die in groups ... I still have my 5 soldiers die and hatched together .. as for nesters and workers their dying times are different ... I lose 2 or 3 P3's at a time .. the other ones can still work until I get on the PC and replace the dead ones ... i find it easier to just replace what few P3's i lost from my nesters then discard the rest of the eggs .. this way I don't have to harvest eggs for a whole week ...


what do you guys think ??


I prefer to stagger my hatching. I prefer to just discard all of my eggs, as long as I have the required P3s, then when a few die, replace them from the eggs I'm harvesting and continue on.


I prefer to replace them all at once.

I just wait to hatch them all during a morning, when I'm sure to be home (saturday works great!)


I am very reactive, not proactive with this game, I just let it do whatever it does and react to it LOL, maybe I should give it more thought ;)


I am very reactive, not proactive with this game, I just let it do whatever it does and react to it LOL, maybe I should give it more thought ;)


im exactly the same seems to work for me though


I prefer to stagger my hatching, mostly because hatching all at once is so tedious. It also helps me keep track of eggs I have and eggs I need so I'm never short of workers when I need them.


I used to let them all die at once.

Then I realized if I wasn't on every day or missed the day they would die Prof. would give me whatever species of whatever.

I'm really particular about my habi and hated when this happened.

For example all of my soldiers are larnikins, I can see them easier and when there are more pests I can move them around, rather than clicking on them seeing what they are and then trying to have them fight off pests. This helps a lot when everyone is "sleeping" and I have an attack on my habi...


Hatching them all at once is tedious...but it takes the same amount of time as if you hatch them in groups. More time, actually, because first you have to figure out exactly which ones have died. Plus, if they all die at once, then the professor will replace a few so you have fewer to replace :-D


The hatching is tedious, but that's what I tend to do because I stop playing for weeks at a time, and I don't have the patience to wait on hatching them for a perfect dying schedule. Chances are, they'll all probably die while I'm on Habitarium hiatus, anyways.


I have one die-out a week where I lose about 15 p3s, but other than that they die in groups of three, from leveling up to 50. I prefer to do a little at a time cuz if I have to spend more than five minutes Habiing at a time, I want to smash something. Just from playing it constantly, I think.


I let them all die off at once. That way I get free p3s from the professor, and also I hate hatching them every day. I like not having to worry about hatching eggs for a week, and I can go on a hiatus from habitarium knowing that I have enough eggs to get my habitarium running in a few minutes.


I'd rather have them all die at once but I don't really care at the moment until I can get my Habi to be all Mootix and Pinchets (sp?) lol. The Larkins are ugly to me ...


mine got a bit glitched a month or so back, when all my new ones died off for some weird reason, si i had a huge batch of 20+ P3s dying at once, and i didn't have enough eggs to replace as i used to just hatch whenever i needed (2-3)


so after that i let them all die and now hatch at once. its tedious but i only have to do it once every 2 weeks. the only think i don't like is the Prof giving me a new buddy, i like mine all mootix so when he gives me a lannikin.. :sad01_anim:


All my P3's die over the weekends, Sunday especially. I think it's really convenient, because weeknights can get so busy. I just save up the eggs to replace them over the week. I can get by with only three nesters, but I have a feeling I harvest more often than others.


I have almost all of them die at about the same time, and then I have a little group that lag a couple of days behind so I don't have to start all over. I keep an all-Mootix habi, so I make sure I don't get the Professor's 'here, have a random nester that's almost never a Mootix' thing when they all die.


I only have three P3 nesters at once (one of each species) and I resource to mine crystals XD It's a constant stream of eggs that replace the dying P3s to keep a mostly stable population. Although I've neglected it for a while so I'm building up my population again


Mine tend to come and go at different times. I'm a fairly sporadic player, so I'll go on heaps for a while, then I'll come back, and rebuild the population, and because I won't have many nesters the eggs will all hatch at different times, so they'll die at different times too.


I kind of just let it happen as it happens. Usually after they all die I don't play for a bit and then I go back and hatch a bunch. But normally I end up hatching them kind of in waves I suppose.


I'm terribly unorganised when it comes to my Habi; tend to forget about it for a few days then come back and everyone's dead XD

I hatch whenever I have eggs I can use to fill up my population. Still not at level 50 ¬_¬

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