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Lesson Learned...


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Just lost 7 mil.


Now down to under 100k.


If you don't feel comfortable lending someone, don't! Don't cave into guilt/pressure like I did. :sad02:


I felt pressured, lended someone I barely knew Adam. And I paid for my mistake. I'm so stupid. I was lending all her friends and, -kicks self- I'm so mad at myself! DX


Sorry, I had to rant somewhere. Bad neo day. My own fault, obviously, but ugh. And just the time for my habi to be locked out and unfixable.


Do you lend avatars? Have you ever lent to someone you weren't sure about?

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Lending is always a tricky thing. I have lent a few people some very expensive items but I have never gave into pressure to lend a specific person... Actually you know i take that back. I was pressured into lending my coco around to one persons friends. i got the pet back but either way lending is stressful. I can't do it any more.


I am sorry about your mishap with adam. I have never had the guts to lend that one.


As for your habi have you considered restarting? (assuming the merge method didn't work of course) It should take you about a week to get back up to level 50 and then you start earning points again. I have had to do it so many times now that it is almost embarrassing.

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I've tried both methods. No luck. Waiting on a response from my ticket. I hope it's back soon.


And meh, I would always lend because I was so happy when people were happy. But now? I'm never doing it again. Unless someone has FULL collat. :k I don't care if they're a friend.

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what! that is horrible! i'm so sorry :( i can't believe people sometimes...


as for the habitarium. i tried merging and resetting about a month ago. both did not work. last night i started reading again about how people were able to reset. i spent about an hour trying both of these methods over and over. eventually resetting worked. don't give up! i almost did but i'm glad i tried it again.

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That's quite the mishap. :( If you can get your habi back up and running at level 50 you should have your 7 mill back in a few months. I make most of my neopoints just from my habi and in only a few months, maybe the last 3 months I've gone from 6 mill to 9 mill.


I've never lent anything for avatars except for my Fire Blumaroo. At the time I didn't qualify for TDN's pet lending so I painted and aged her and then lent her out in exchange for someone else's avatar pet. It's how I managed to get most of my pet avatars.


I got Adam a few months ago. At the time the amount was low and I was 600k short so I lent my honey potion to a friend for his 600k and then when I got my honey potion back he got his neopoints back. For me to lend avatars I would require almost full collateral unless I knew the person very well.


Good luck earning your neopoints back!

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Oh no! I' so sorry that happened to you! I don't understand why how someone could do that, especially since their going to get iced now anyways!


Personally I wouldn't lend AT ALL (ok, maybe my sister). It is too risky and I don't care how many avatars/draiks/etc someone has. I actually even worry when I am being lend, that someone will run away with my collat and I would have to find someone buying that item .... I'm actually really impressed by the ALP of TDN - it's working and it seems like the pets don't get stolen (ok, there were some unfortunate events with the FQD).


Anyways, I wish you some nice REs that gonna help you rebuild quick!

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I've lent in the past before, but not for free.

I NEVER trust anyone I don't know or who looks suspicious... Always afraid of getting screwed over.

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I only lend basics, and to guild members I have know for a long time. And even with them, I ask for collats.




Last december I vouched for someone I knew who wanted to borrow a FQD. She ended up borrowing Chokato on my vouch and didn't return the item. She self-froze and when I tried to contact her on facebook, she said that she decided to stop playing because she was too addicted. (I didn't believe that.) What a bad excuse. I had to reimburse the lender. :(

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Oh wow. That's so kind of you to lend, however risky!


You reported the person, right?! They should pay for that!


I've never lent an expensive item; (I don't have any!) But if I had friends which I knew, I probably would.


It's a big risk, often, because for every good person (and there's more than bad ones), there's always that one person ready to ruin it for everyone! And if they're not offering collateral, it's so risky, because a good account could be hacked or could have used cheats...


>__< But I've had some kind people lend to me for free, too...

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Oh hun I'm so sorry! What a nasty piece of work you'd have to be to do that to someone :(


I've lent Adam before with no collat but it was a nf (I hadn't known her very long but I had a good feeling), I probably wouldn't lend again though to anyone - heard a few stories like this recently.


*hugs* This sucks. Hopefully you'll come into some good Karma soon, you definitely deserve it!

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Oh bless you :( :( I have nothing intelligent or wise to add, I've never lent anything I don't think (mainly cos I don't really have anything to lend rofl!) I've borrowed stuff, but only with other adults that I'd known for a while, but before you could transfer pets properly, I lost someone's pet in the pound, when someone else snagged it as I put it in to give it back, it was the most HORRIBLE feeling ever that I'd done that to someone (even by accident), I begged the person to give it back but they wouldn't, so I never borrowed a pet for an avvie again, now obviously it's different as you can transfer them safely! (that was a bit of a tangent).


I just mostly wanted to write to send you a big fat virtual hug, and remind you that karma will look after you, and them! <3

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That is supremely terrible :(. If there is any way I can help ya get back on your feet, I'd be happy to help... I've no experience in the lending for avvies, but I could never do someone wrong like that... That's just inhumane...

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I hear ya, I am actually kind of the same as you. I've gotten screwed more in real life though by very good very persuasive people. I also gotta learn to say no better ;T... But still I don't mind helping, even if its just letting you get the gold keys in KQ or something like that.

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The problem with lending is that no matter how 'well' you know the person, you only know them over the internet. The internet is a place where everyone is pretty anonymous and that lowers the moral barriers we have. Some can easily run away with a 11mil Meowclops and have no consequences in real life. Honestly, I wouldn't even lend someone for free who's lend me for free before. Might sound harsh but we all need to protect our hard earned NPs.


I hope you'll have better luck in the future.

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Awww, I'm sorry to hear that!


When I was still pretty new, I used all my points and bough a FQD. I thought I would be nice and lend it to people. I lent it, against my better judgment, to a young account just because he had a Coco Jubbie. He never gave it back and it turns out he'd been lent Coco for the avvie. So, she lost her pet and I lost my FQD. :sad02:

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I can't remember if I've lent for Adam or not, but it's one that is probably the hardest to lend safely. There's no collateral or anything, and there's not really a good way to prove that it belonged to you. I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you!

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sorry April .. that is awful .. I'm really sorry !! I can understand why I can't get lent MSPP when people like that person are running free !!


i just saw this thread ... but ironically earlier tonight an old NF of mine asked to borrow 400k to complete her Adam fund (today Adam was only 5.7 Mil or so) and since she's an old NF (who also gave me Silvanuh) I didn't think twice about it bcz I trust her .. she gave back the 400k almost instantly ... it was the first time I lend anyone anything :)

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That's totally fine! No worries, I don't want anyone getting in trouble for breaking the rules. (Planned winners)

And, KQ doesn't work on my cmoputer anyways.


And maybe this time, I'll stop waiting until I have 15 mil to buy all my things to have my dream pets. And once I get to enough I'll just buy my Draik right away, and then my Krawk and work my way from there. I really regret not doing that. If I'd done that, I never would have felt pressured. xD

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