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Habitarium not loading

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I've been trying to get into habitarium for a half hour, but it won't load. Is anyone else having this problem? If not, I wonder if it has to do with this new install my computer is failing at.

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Oh my, me too!!! And I had just collected all my gems, but there was an egg I tried to discard and it was circling for like, three minutes on that, so I refreshed, and then....loading circle of infinity. Then I was all, how did I get locked out AFTER I collected all my gems?? But anyway...


People seem to be having a similar problem with KQ too, do you think they're related?

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well my habi is not loading either and I'm really disappointed at the moment. I was hoping to check on my p3s and start making my daily profit. I hope they fix the bug soon.

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I was about to link to the announcements forum, but even the forums are down now... bah.


Anyway, there was an official post saying they're aware things aren't working right now because the crons are throwing a wobbly. Habitarium and keyquest are affected, as well as a bunch of other stuff.


Don't panic :)

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OH THANK FYORA I thought I was locked out! *TIGHT HUGS* I don't know what I'd do without TDN sometimes... if more than one of us is suffering this, it's a site-wide problem. Randomly the pages also go to 'offline' (so I couldn't capture Nimhue becoming Pink as the site crashed after I asked to paint her ¬_¬)

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