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Habi deaths


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Does anyone know how to stop all your p3s dying, my habis been working fine since i started except for a couple of mini eggs and a plague that killed half my p3s but today all my p3s were working fine i refreshed to check that my nesters were on there nests properly and all my workers stopped working so i tried to put them back on their jobs and they would work then the nesters eggs grew massive and then all my workers died so i hatched all new workers put them too work then on the next update they all died aswell and then i tried to hatch more and half of them have died so i';ve decided not to hatch mroe till i think its fixed but i only have about 20 p3s on my habi now and i'm getting annoyed at them all dying as i'll run out of eggs soon and its ruining my np supply as i can't earn xp till its fixed.


so does anyone know how to fix this bug ???


thanks in advance

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I came on to see if anyone else was having this problem. This just happened to me. I had the giant eggs under my nesters so I refreshed to get rid of them - all the workers and soldiers I had in my houses and barracks had died. Won't be hatching anymore until we know its fixed. Fingers crossed it won't take long. :(

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I've never heard of such a thing happening... until today. :sad01_anim: My last generation died from a small hiatus so i decided to replenish them and in halfway doing so, the hatchlings started starving then dying. x_x No way I'm hatching more until this get's solved. Only my nesters seem to be safe on their nests. I also hear the weird nose when resources degrade, but at like 5 times at once and nothing is damaged. Is that where the "hissing" name comes from?

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I apologize Alanius .. I didn't read your entire first post (skimmed through) ... so my answer was irrelevant


my Habi is working fine but that does seem to be one annoying glitch ... hopefully it gets fixed soon

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OK. So it happened to me twice today. I heard a weird noise and a Giant Egg came on screen. Does anyone know how to avoid this? How can I hatch new guys if the nesters keep creating Giant Eggs? Thankfully, if I act swiftly, I can exit out and only one or two will die. -___-


My guess: When I exited the screen, I came back, and ALL of the P3S were alive but starving AND tired. So I figure what's happening is this Giant Egg is causing their status to be pushed into overtime: ie; they're starving/tired in mere seconds, until they die. If you exit whne this happens, you can save them. But you'll have to recover them.



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I fixed my habi this morning like i always do. And while i was doing my dailies I checked back on them and they all look like they had been neglected for awhile. I didn't put them back into the house because they were only hungry. I finally put them back in and they just all appear to be fine. I guess I got lucky by not putting them into the houses.

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I guess TNT is aware of the situation and is responding. It would be nice if they could somehow reset everything. I would love for my 40 P3S to come back. I'd never dealt with a glitch on habi and was entirely unprepared. xD They must hate today with everyone getting all hyped up. It stinks cause it's another day where I can't level up. xD

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I have lost about 4o workers 12 nesters and 6 soldiers over the last hour I have put out a magical marshmallow though not sure if it will help I am not hatching anymore eggs until I know this glitch is fixed though

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I've lost 23 today, but... for me it's not really all that much of a problem. All I do on habitarium is wait to gain experience, and although this glitch detracts from my income a little, it still gets me the partial death-gem experience, so... Oh well. I do hope TNT fixes it for those who it bothers, though.

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oh blast wish i had read this first, just re-populated. i went down to 17 P3s today and i was sure it couldn't have been evil bugs.


my P3s also haven't been harvesting right for the last day or so, gah!


now back to re-harvesting worker eggs.


anyone know if it has been fixed or still ongoing?

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