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What is the best/luckiest thing that has every happened to you on neopets?

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Nice to have wealthy friends ^_^ (is very jealous)


The luckiest thing that has happened to me is probably the time I got a FFQ. I've had other lucky things happen to me (not many), but the FFQ is the best, simply because you can choose almost any colour you want. I used it to paint my ixi grey, and she's still grey to this day :)

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Found a PDE at the FS after two months.

Fed my first Kad.

Won a Spotted Paint Brush at the Fruit Machine.

Got two transmorgrification potions via sloth event. Worth over 400k.

Receiving a free code for Space Faerie. (I still need to beat her for avatar xD)

Earned 700k from my shop in less than 30 minutes (I had a great deal of items stored in my SDB).

Got lent Meowy, FQD, Chokato all in one day from a very great friend of mine (I had only known her for a week then).

Eventually got lent ZDAP from another good friend of mine (known him for about two weeks then).

Just finished all my pet avatars from Easy Pet Lend: /~Kailarastar

Got most of my avatar items lent, except MSPP and BGC. Someday!

Just earned my first million without Sloth Invasion Tax events taking my money. ;~; (Not to mention I got a sloth invasion tax trophy from that)

Erm.. earning over 250 avatars.

Receiving most of my dream pets.

Was lucky to find tons of babies in the pound. I adopted a few out of them, but the most I just posted on a pound surf board for others to grab. o.o

Got some nice zaps from the lab ray, like an eventide lupe.

I don't know.. there's probably others.. whatever.. xD


I still haven't received a ffq event after 7 years! :shiftyeyes_anim:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well.....this week I got a second FFQ. And my reaction was pretty funny: I was getting a lot of Water Faeries lately, so when I went and claimed my quest I was thinking "Oh, another Water Fae- WAIT A MINUTE....."


I must say I am very very lucky to have this happen again!

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My most recent luck came from a friend I've known for awhile.

He gave me his BD set worth 900m.

I've thought about selling it, but it's too difficult, so I just kept it.

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Probably receiving a full outfit for one of my customisation pets from a kind stranger.

Also, I get a lot of codestones from key quest which is nice. I've never gotten a paintbrush or anything like that. In fact, I tend to get better prizes with silver keys rather than gold... o.O

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I've won three items from the wishing well within the past two weeks! :woot:

You lucky duck! LOL :D I thought I was pretty lucky just to win that once, haha
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1 Once I went fishing and got an Irritable Genie-in-a-bottle

2. I got some fancy omelette piece once

3. And I complain I haven't gotten geraptiku or dmbgpp yet, but I did get forgotten shore right away--so I should shut up :laughingsmiley:


Remembering all this good luck and reading about everyone else's has me in a good mood!

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Got a Discovered Treasure Chest yesterday from the Forgetten Shore Daily. Opened it today. Pirate Gnorbu Morphing Potion!!! It took me like a minute to process what I was looking at. lol

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And I got a Camo pb from Keyquest.


This is kind of my dream... and I don't even play Keyquest.


Edit: I won 10k off a scratch card RIGHT after posting here. Everyone should try.

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First one literally happened last night, I was about to turn my laptop off and go to sleep, but instead i went to the magma pool. AND WOAH, it was just my luck and i went at my exact time and painted my shoyru magma without any refreshing or trouble :}

Plus, i once got a nerkmid on a random event.

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