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Hello. I'm new to TDN and I haven't contributed enough.


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I just wanted to say hi, I love this site alongside Neopets of course, it's very helpful. Surprisingly, this site has kept me from becoming a Skyrim zombie, like the rest of my friends. I miss them. :worried:

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Greetings, and welcome to The Daily Neopets. You may already know me since I posted a comment on your profile when you first entered, but they call me Neomysterion (or Neo for short), and I'm one of the forum mods over here. I mainly like to keep things in order all over TDN (or at least the forums part of it).


If you need anything, just ask me or anyone else who's a staff member. Enjoy the forum, and I'll be seeing around TDN as well as looking forward to your contributions. C:

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Thank you for the welcomes. I had just one question actually...Xepha had sent me a link earlier to a thread explaining something about an admin chat? But when I had clicked the link I had been greeted by an error, [#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic. I felt incredibly silly and as hard headed as I am, I spent a long time just carefully rereading, reclicking and reobserving the whole situation. Thankfully I gave up, became tired, accidentally burnt my face with coffee and then spent a good half hour in the toilet laughing at old Calvin and Hobbes comics. Times have been tough today and I have wasted several neopoints on useless, distracting things. Alongside of my research for the article I'm writing. It will be accompanied by pictures. I draw things from time to time and this time is the time so time to be ready for it. Hm...it's clear I need a fancy signature. :cook: <----HAHAHAHA WHAT?

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Hi msmanic :) Happy to see you on the forums!


As I already explained to you, that thread is located in our staff chat of InSaNiTy and you will gain access to it after your trial period is over. :P

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Welcome to TDN! :) I'm RayRay...or Trig (which if you've read the other introduction forums you would see...I feel like a broken record!)

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'lo I'm lozzerrr and I'm 17. Nice to meet you. Things I already like about you: your drawing ability (OOOOODLES of poodles...yet there is only one...a paradox!)," spent a good half hour in the toilet laughing" <--- this, and your use of that weirdo smilie.


Hope you stick around and we get to know each other :D

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Oh wow, TDN seems so much more exciting now. It's a real privilege to be surrounded by such happy, strange(positive!) people. Hi Sweet Dang (the hamsters are wonderful they look like russian dwarfs!), Angelo (you seem refreshingly bizzare), Xepha (great positive reinforcement, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN THAT CHATROOM! :shiftyeyes_anim: ) , Trig (thank you for the welcome and I need to be reading more forums, I keep getting distracted), Rayna (I like your name, I had a friend in Middle/High School named Raynah ((I guess the 'h' was useless afterall!)) and you actually look like her, but with cheekbones) and HEEEELLLLOOOOO uh, lozzerrr... I feel really awful typing that haha... I didn't even notice the paradox, thank you for pointing that out. I had taken a quick photo of that doodle a couple of months ago. The poodle previously lived on a tiny notepad that my mother keeps her important work phone numbers in. She remains neutral to Oodle Poodle's exsistence. Lastly, I apologize (refering to the toilet part) in advance for any offensive, TMI type comments I may, unintentionally make. I want to say I'm very open minded, but that would be very close minded in my opinion for I do not love everything in the world....please believe if I mention a bowel movement, a lack of hygiene due to uninterrupted inspiration and/or anything else, it was not to offend! I was born to draw, not to comfort. Also I was raised by a woman who made sure that no embarrasing moment goes unnoticed... so my impolite/disgusting/mouthy jargin... it was not intentional and I will try my best to rethink before I overshare, in the future. Wow that was a mouthful. How does this happen?!?! And I feel that spell check has begun to "wing it", because there are some words I have typed that are not even real.



Can it get any stranger you ask? Oh yes, yes it can:

:snorkle: *this does not appear to be the smiley it claims to be. It looks like a ninja vomitting while his head chimney creates bubbles. Lovely.

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See stuff?? You see it as well!! Okay, Sweetdang, sorry for the spaces.

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:stitchface: that one is just plain creepy! Awww :'( now i miss the paradox poodle. How is being on the content team going for you?


You feel awful typing lozzerrr? Why if you're thinking it's like loser.... -_- it's not it's like 'lozz-ah'


I was gonna have lozza or lozzer but they were taken. And two r's is boring so I had three :D

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Hi and welcome ^_^ I'm a new staffer as well but I've been around here for a lil while (*whispers* my profile lies, don't trust it... XD)


Hope you have a wicked awesome time here and I'm sure I'll see you around the water cooler, so to speak :)

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I'm not sure how the content team is going.. I've been just doing article things and/or being distracted by Neopets/puppies. Well, one puppy. THE puppy. But yeah I like everyone I've met so far, so thats lovely. Oooh okay, I like pronouncing it that way much better. Hah.

Hi Saxen! That sounds exciting! I hope to make you proud. :whofarted: *inappropriate smiley face!

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