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How common are fountain faerie quests?


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Fountain Faerie Quests are extremely rare if you ask me, I never got one in my history sadly. If ever you get one or more of those, consider yourself lucky.

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Really depends on how much you play Neo. Faerie quests come more often the more pages you go through/refresh through on Neopets, so if you play lots of browser games, you increase your odds. I've gotten at least 4 over the last 3 years, and I play a lot of browser games like Scorchy Slots and Dice-a-roo.

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I have not had one ever in my 7ish years of playing neo (my main is more recent, since I went on hiatus and lost my old account).

On the other hand, some people seem to get more than one. I really really really want one (as do we all, I would imagine) x__x


They're generally extremely rare.

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Wow! I can't imagine even getting one, never mind four! Congratulations to bhaal for just getting one, you are very lucky! I guess I will just have to keep playing games and browsing, and hope for the best. :)

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It's entirely random. You may increase your chances by having more browsers opened but I've been a Neopets user for 10 years and have yet to receive even a single quest. I hear a lot of people talk about getting them, or another one -- but I've yet to be that fortunate. I was lucky enough to get my dream pet because someone else got a quest request. xDDD Blah.

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Random, but generally rare about sums it up.


Some people get super lucky. I've had one, and I'd been playing for about 9 years by the time I got it. I played games like Pyramids a lot. I just generally got tons of other Faeries Quests and tons of Codestone REs. I actually got mine during the Faerie Quest event.

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