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How much is this book worth?


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I recall it being released last month some time so it's possible there isn't a specific price for it at the moment :)

You could put it up in trades and see what kind offers you get! Or as a person with a current trade what they are seeking

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Well, it's rarity 94, a book, UB... your guess is as good as mine. I'd suggest neomailing the owners of the trades and asking what they want for it. There are only 6 up at the moment, so be wary as they can basically charge you whatever they decide...


EDIT: Hmm, true. Like hrbrk said, it's only been about since last month, so the price is probably inflated at the moment (whatever it is).

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Aha, okay. Thank you, guys. I just got one myself you see, and have already put it up on Trades(I'm one of those six) to see what people would offer. No offers yet, though. ;)


Going to send some NMs to the other users, thanks for the suggestion! :)

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are you looking for a price ?



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Haha, indeed! I just set a random price, to be honest. ;) I know someone who sold it for 400k, too. Though she told me that after I set my random price. xD


Today I got another book where I've got the same problem: "Last Years Resolutions"



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Patience and tenacity, mostly. :P


I'm more or less RSing the whole day.



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Hehe, yeah. Well, sold the Last Years Resolutions for 300k. It's an r96, while Oddly Shaped Gifts is r94, so it should be cheaper. And someone else set that at 225k, so I've done the same.


Also got me another one of those Oddly Shaped Gifts, but just a few minutes ago I RSed a book called Locating Iron, r99. Current price on TP: 7 million neopoints. :D

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Price, and how often they restock in the shop. Although some items are given away for free or cheap through things like KeyQuest, which lowers the price immensely - and this includes items that would otherwise be worth tens of thousands of neopoints, maybe even items that would be UBs. So you'll have to make sure you don't walk into those traps. (Hard not to do once or twice when you're learning a new shop, though.) :)

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