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Ugggggh .. Habitarium Lock Out :(


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so , i got locked out because my computer decided to restart on its own during the night :(


... i am trying the merge thingie and i deleted everything from my bag ... i had 9 pages of eggs and deleted them all .. so ... what should i do now ? ive been trying for 4 hours ...

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Okay not to bring you down or anything but i feel like i am becoming an expert on this subject. I have had to restart mine about 7 times now. I have found that if it doesn't merge before you delete everything in your bag it probably won't merge. Just my observation at least. I have a tendency to just restart it shortly after. It may still work but i find it just simpiler to restart and at least make some points instead of just waiting for a week and then decide to restart. Plus it only takes around a week to get back to 50. I hope you don't have to restart but if you do good luck. I just got back to 50 after the internet went down and I couldn't merge.

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I've had to restart mine a few times and I've had better luck merging with a brand new habitarium (starting the merge from the choosing your layout and tutorial stages) than with trying to merge with an existing one.

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Glad to see you back in the land of the P3s again . I wasted 3 weeks at least of everyday trying the merge method and though I could get the merge working I could not get mine to unlock. I guess restarting is kinda fun, waiting for the next level is slow towards the higher levels,but rewarding when it reaches it...

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Aw this sucks Angelo :/ I'll send you some stuffs next time I'm on there

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hey hun, do you need some nests, maybe? :)


i have 8 nests currently breeding and i built 4 more just in case :)


I don't understnad how you get up so fast! I have been playing for ages and I'm only on 29...


i'm running habitarium at least 15 hrs/day and I discard looooots of eggs :)

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I've read about merging and I'm not sure I understand it completely. Do I have to have another account?


It actually seems that most peoples Habis are glitching right now. I was just reading the Neoboards. So I'm definitely going to see if it gets fixed before I do anything rash. Thanks though! I'll definitely still use that guide if it doesn't get fixed.



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