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It's really cold in Spain right now and it makes me sad! It was 3*C tonight which is definitely not what I wanted for the middle of April in Spain! Hopefully it warms up soon! *fingers crossed*

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Thunder storms! Sorry, I've been away for a year and have not had a good thunder storm in New York, so I'm pretty stoked about curling up in bed and listening to the rain fall continuously and the thunder rolling like the sky is going to fall.

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It's Sunny. Yesterday, I was watching the weather channel and might have severe thunderstorms.

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It is beautiful in Los Angeles right now! Who ever said "May Grey" was totally off. I believe it's around 80 degrees today and perfectly sunny!

Seems more like "May Gray" for me, LOL. :P


Ugh, it's raining cats and dogs out here, folks, and it still is, but the thunders have (hopefully) appeared to stop.

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Sometime today we're supposed to have rain/thunderstorm. I kind of look forward to that. I love the sounds of rain and thunder, I find it peaceful. Dang rain though, since it's supposed to rain we've (my family and I) have stayed indoors. We had planned to go antiquing -sigh- -_-

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It's nice and sunny here in Michigan. Not too hot (maybe around 70 degrees). Just typical summer weather for Michigan lol. Which is good, because it apparently stormed last night.

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