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Its a kind of onion, the stems are the edible parts.


Wikipedia quote"

Culinary uses for chives involve shredding its leaves (straws) for use as condiment for fish, potatoes and soups. Because of this, it is a common household herb, frequent in gardens as well as in grocery stores. It also has insect-repelling properties which can be used in gardens to control pests.


Odds are, you have eaten chives before.


What? Chives are good. My dad has a chives plant in his garden that grows in the summer. I eat them raw.


I wasn't talking about chives, just other things that might be in my food. Did you know they put meal worms in Burger King meals?

Anyway, I could never grow anything at my place. All of the plants just die...


You know, that worm thing is just an urban legend. Worms cost more per pound than beef so worm filler would be unprofitable.


Well technically every time you eat something you're eating various fragments of insects/spiders/other small arthropods that have been unfortunate enough not to be able to get out of the way in time. Not that it's particularly unhealthy though - just extra protein. ^_^


^We didn't want to know that... actually!



YAY Snowager is asleep... so I'll get some sleep pretty soon too!


*Pumps room full of sleeping gas* That should help you get some sleep. :evil:


And I tend to inform people of things that they didn't want to know. :P


*Is drooling on keyboard*

*Symbals crash*

I'm awake! I'm wake!

*Crashes onto the floor*


Hey everyone! I'm back from my week long holiday.

I should become 1000 times more active than I was for the past week (I didn't have any internet connection)


It's good to be back :D (though it hasn't been that long)


EDIT: Lol, 800 posts!


Nice to see some friendly competition eh? :P I'm not feeling particularly sleepy at the moment.


Argh don't mention the S word!


I go back in 4 days and I'm not really looking forward to it...


EDIT: Lol I know this was a few pages back but I'm 36th in Overall Posts...


I just started a long year of University - hopefully I'll do reasonably well. :)


Either I did the math wrong or you get out of school much earlier than me! :( for me.

You must be lucky, though. Man if I went to that school... hm.

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