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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I don't like much "social events". Last time I went to a party organized by people in my program, it was boring. Nobody was paying attention to me and I was feeling sick even though they can't smoke inside public places (YAY!). But still... I think I was the first one to leave.

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I'm extremely introverted unless the circumstances demand otherwise. I've always sucked at art though - the best I can do is a stick figure. x_x

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It's kinda embarrassing actually, because the majority of my friends and acquaintances are excellent artists.

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I have a natural tendency to get ignored by other people. Although they used to bother me with questions about school lessons and such.

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You can say I'm quite social, but I try not to waste time making friends since I've been stabbed on the back before by most of them. So now, I just try to avoid the drama. I want to worry about making a future for myself and I'll have my chance to make good and real friends when I graduate and go to work XD.

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Don't you hate being the one people call/ask about homework or exam?


Once... we had to write a poem in French. Somebody in the same year as me called me and I pratically composed his poem for him, and he got a better mark than ME!!!!!!


I'm really patient with my friend. Like they can ask anything and I'll say yes... until I feel they are abusing of me.

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No one ever called me, and I never called anyone because I rarely did my school work. And when I did do it, I did it well. My parents thought I was lazy, but it turns out to be something caused by one of my many mental conditions (good thing for meds!). So, now I'm doing better, but my sinuses give me headaches so bad that I can't focus.

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Don't you hate being the one people call/ask about homework or exam?


Once... we had to write a poem in French. Somebody in the same year as me called me and I pratically composed his poem for him, and he got a better mark than ME!!!!!!


I'm really patient with my friend. Like they can ask anything and I'll say yes... until I feel they are abusing of me.



I've had that happened to me before so I don't help anyone anymore, unless I know the person isn't trying to take advantage. I like it when people ask me to guide them, but when they keep asking questions hoping I'd give them the answer, then I get annoyed.

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My own attitude towards that sort of thing is to work alone - I will work it out myself without asking for any assistance, and I don't expect anybody else to ask me for assistance.

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At that point, they should go to the teacher and find a way to get more lessons or a firmer explanation. Most teachers are willing to work with them. However, lazy people? They just anger me.

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At that point, they should go to the teacher and find a way to get more lessons or a firmer explanation. Most teachers are willing to work with them. However, lazy people? They just anger me.



Thing is, those people like to "show off" in front of the teacher so they are never willing to admit they don't know something. I guess it's their own ego.

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You can say I'm quite social, but I try not to waste time making friends since I've been stabbed on the back before by most of them. So now, I just try to avoid the drama. I want to worry about making a future for myself and I'll have my chance to make good and real friends when I graduate and go to work XD.

Throughout my year I've gotten lots of friends but so far I've only gotten one "True Friend" and I'm okay with that since its really hard to find someone that won't backstab you.

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