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Giovanni Gale

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

I just want to get the hell out of Indiana, to experience the rest of the country. I might plan myself a roadtrip next summer, WEST COAST OR BUST!

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For the moment, I'm stuck in Malaysia (aargh!) but I've been to New Zealand, the USA, South Korea, and Australia.

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I've only been to China (except the US, but I live here), but we just might go to either Australia or Disney World next year. If I do go to Australia, I promise to hunt down Eric. If I go to Disney World, well, I'll lose contact for a week, but that doesn't matter.

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I like Trillian because I have AIM, MSN and Yahoo. If I had only one messenger, then I wouldn't bother with it.

Trillian reminds me of Adium. Adium also has AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and others. Except it's for Macs, not Windows. ^=^


Wow, all you people that get to go to awesome places. *jealous* I've never left the country. >.< I plan on going to Japan one day though.

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I used to love Harry Potter years ago. Now, I'm not really what you would call a fan. I don't hate it though.

In fact, I wrote a short story about Harry Potter, Ron, and Professor Snape many upon many years ago.

And no, I won't post it up even though I still have it hidden away in the depths of my closet locked in a box.

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Dude, it's SENOR Bandito. Sheesh. *rolls eyes* I found a funny joke, just now.


So, Donald Rumsfeld is briefing George Bush in the Oval Office.


"Oh and finally, sir, three Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq today."


Bush goes pale, his jaw hanging open in stunned disbelief. He buries his

face in his hands, muttering "My God...My God".


"Mr. President," says Cheney, "we lose soldiers all the time, and it's

terrible. But I've never seen you so upset. What's the matter?"


Bush looks up and says..."How many is a Brazilian?"

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