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Giovanni Gale

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*Michael calls out to Isabel*


Michael: Get out of there! Levy's dealing with his punishment, and I put Kait in the closet for kicking me. RUN! ...or Gigli will swallow your soul...

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Kait: *Opens closet and shoots Michael with a pistol she found in the closet.* Ha!

Levy: Kait, untie me!

Kait: *Changes the movie to Barney.*

Levy: GAH!!!

Didn't you read this?


Kait: *Kicks Michael's corpse.* Now stay dead!

Levy: *yells*

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Okay, I was wondering if anyone's had any strong urges for food, lately. The odd one that I had was for popcorn shrimp, but there isn't a restaurant that sells them anywhere around here. I'm starting to freak out. Maybe get the frozen food kind? o_O

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((I thought I said this before))


Kait is a character in the story I am writing, I am trying to define her character and what she does in certain conversations and whatnot. What do you think so far? Like you are talking to two different people?

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As far as food is concerned, I'll pretty much take anything that's hygienic, goes down, and sustains me properly.


*AA arrives with an army of Meepits armed with machine guns*

AA: Meepits! ATTACK!!!

*Meepits start firing their machine guns at AA and each other*

AA: Aah! No! Attack the others!

*Meepits start firing just at AA*

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*Ducks and runs* Well that's nice. Honestly, I'll buy the pizza for us and the Meepits, but could somebody please get them to stop shooting at me?

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Oh all right. Meepits! Hold your fire, or you won't get any pizza for a year! *Meepits stop shooting*

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Especially Meepits- *sees Meepits glaring* I mean Feepits. At least the Feepits can't handle machine guns.

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