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Giovanni Gale

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Sorry, PC only for me.. Mac's are so... Rigid. But I'm no artist, maybe that makes a difference... I prefer being abloe to poke at things. I guess thats why I use Linux.

Not that Mac's don't have there uses. Since they basically stole FreeBSD to create Mac OS X, It's a great example of what alternative operating systems are capable of. Also, I love Taco's and I'm desperatly craving candy.

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Awesome. Nintendo Dual Screen is still better!




I never said the PSP was mine though. :P

It's actually my brother's. I'm a die-hard Nintendo fan so I am an owner of the Nintendo DS. I'm actually buying the browser for it this week or so.

As you can see, my avatar and signature is of Metroid. Only Nintendo can create one of the best videogame series of all time. :yes:

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Ahem. Does anyone actually manage so sell any of those games? I thought they still had to put graphics/animation somewhere for people to be interested.

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I know that some teachers can be bribed with chocolate. I bribed my pregnant english teacher with a jumbo chocolate bar. She extended my due date from friday to monday, so I had the weekend to work on it. XP

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The only known way that teachers at my school can be bribed is probably becoming the teacher's pet. Which, I heard, nobody likes...

Now that I think about it, teachers are tough cookies, aren't they? Let's look at some possible bribes and whatnot:

1) Teacher's Pet

Pros: The teacher would probably be easier on you.

Cons: You may make some enemies.


2) Give you teacher a small gift on major holidays.

Pros: The teacher may become more friendly

Cons: Gifts aren't always cheap.


3) Give them a sportscar

Pros: The teacher probably would drive off to some vacation spot and never be seen from again.

Cons: Why did you give a teacher a sportscar?

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That's why you should just toss them in the closet, lock the door, and put a bookcase in front of it. No homework, that way. "Your homework is to find your missing teacher. First person to find them will be suspected of doing the kidnapping." XP

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Dillon, to avoid being a teacher pet, you don't have to be Loud and Annoying, If you do that, they (the teacher AND every student) just think your immature/mental and hate you.


All you do, is sit at the back at the room, lean back on your chair against the wall (or a radiator on a cold day) and just talk to your mates quietly.

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My school district is one of the top in the US and my school one of the best in the district.


And since most teachers put us is alphabetical order, I get stuck in the back of the room anyways 9 times out of 10. -_-'

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