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Giovanni Gale

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How would whether or not other people cheated make a difference? Wouldn't it just make it harder to get trophies?

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Grr... they're a disgrace to evil! Honestly, using their knowledge on things as petty as little virtual images.

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His minions? Honestly, who's want to work for him? I'm more of the freelance type, myself. >_O So, neopets glitched and didn't give me any of my points for the Altador Cup, or even give me a trophy. What a jip. *sighs*

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Jeez Dillon, although I have never heard one of HIM's songs, I still know who they are. Tsk tsk, don't your class mates ever wear any cool looking goth clothes? HIM's also the band with the heartagram symbol right?

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Promoting drugs is against my school's dress code. But I have a friend who wore a tye-dye shirt with a Jamican guy smoking a joint on the front and he got away with it for about a week. Then he sold the shirt and the next guy who bought it wound up getting in trouble. XD

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Even if its against the school code, people will still wear it.

10 Years ago, you would not have seen a 15 year old with drugs or alcohol

Now-a-days you can see in papers that a 15 year old takes drugs and drinks alcohol.

And I would put money on this, in 10-20 Years , people by the age of 10 will be into the drugs, alcohol and even probaly knifes.


Its simple, Kids are attention seekers, and will do whatever it is, to get the attention even if its illegal.

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I was a kid about 6-8 years ago, im 19 atm, but i have im act like 21, so basically im a adult, will have ALOT iof responsibilities around Christmas.


But when I was 14, there was no news, about kid, 14 goes get drunk on 14th bday.

An 11 year old has been stabbed.


I'm not saying there wasn't any kid crimes, but nothing as drastic as the news the last 2 years.

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Well, the whole "drugs and alcohol" theme have A LOT to do with parenting. I agree with Vivi, the children you see out there have a very high chance of doing drugs and alcohol because, their parents have done them. Not saying EVERYONE will do it, but it will be a normal thing, just like drinking soda and eating candy. All those teenagers who are around doing drugs and drinking will let their kids do the exact same thing, as they won't be able to have any authority to tell them drugs and alcohol are a bad thing.

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