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Giovanni Gale

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Had a close call with my PC yesterday, Somehow, my pc was infected with a Virus (forgot what it was called)

It was disabling my Virus scan and everything. But luckily, I did an System restore and that fixed it :D


Please excuse the following promotion. Macs are resistant to 99% of all viruses. Switch over to a Mac, and feel safe for the next one million years. Get a Mac.


I guess that you're lucky that the virus didn't infect your BIOS. That would've spelled the end of your PC.


Well, you're lucky that way.

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Erm, I think I've heard a vague mention of it somewhere.


I want a Mac, but it'll be a long time before I get one.

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[Rant]You could buy a mac... Then you can draw pretty pictures. Thats about it though. No games work on Mac, no software works on mac except mac software and when it comes time to upgrade you have to buy a whole new machine... On top of which Mac OS X is just a fancy version of FreeBSD anyway.

All told, You're better off with a PC, If you're so worried about virii get linux.. it's free and it's awesome. [/Rant]


That's my PC debate done for the day. Also, I like Milk.. I go through a gallon every two days... Is that bad?

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Why do you hate macs.


I found a money making scheme.(YAY MONEY) And Im saving up for either a sony viao Desktop or a Toshiba Laptop.

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[Rant]You could buy a mac... Then you can draw pretty pictures. Thats about it though. No games work on Mac, no software works on mac except mac software and when it comes time to upgrade you have to buy a whole new machine... On top of which Mac OS X is just a fancy version of FreeBSD anyway.

All told, You're better off with a PC, If you're so worried about virii get linux.. it's free and it's awesome. [/Rant]


You can play games on a Mac, although the number is severly diminished. And forget about "Mac Software", it just doesn't exist. There is only 1 type of software, it's just what OS the software is compatible with. I personally use many different pieces of software on my Mac daily, software that you can also use on your Windows.

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...... What?


I've been away for the last few hours. Been to see the Bourne Ultimatum. Best things about those films, Always has a Good chase scene.


And now my rant about cinema.......

Last week I went to see a 12A (for 12 or younger if with a adult) film (forget the name) All through the film, the kids were talking throwing sweets at each other.

Tonight, i went to see a 15 film, everyone sat quietly and watched the film.


This Proves, Kids In Cinemas DO NOT MIX, They are like Oil and water, Complete Opposite.


End rant.


But what was thing I posted..........

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I hate many things, i try and make a list.

-People who has a Pram and owns the pavement (or in 'American' sidewalk)

-Kids in cinemas

-People that try to walk past me when im working, but then kicks me in the back.

-Kids who come in and try to buy alcohol, even when they're 16.

-Chavs who think they're better than anyone else.

-Or basically anyone who thinks they are better than anyone else.


there are other things but can't remember most of them.

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*Kicks Dillon*


[Rant]You could buy a mac... Then you can draw pretty pictures. Thats about it though. No games work on Mac, no software works on mac except mac software and when it comes time to upgrade you have to buy a whole new machine... On top of which Mac OS X is just a fancy version of FreeBSD anyway.

All told, You're better off with a PC, If you're so worried about virii get linux.. it's free and it's awesome. [/Rant]

You can do a lot more than that on a Mac - it's just that the majority of software is designed for Windows, and a lot doesn't work on Mac. What's FreeBSD?
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