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Giovanni Gale

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Regular hotels, my favorite would be the Marriott.


My favorite hotel of all time that I've stayed in would be the Queen Mary, in Long Beach, CA. It's an old cruise liner that was often compared to the Titanic, though not quite considered a sister ship to the Titanic. It's now permanently placed in a harbor in Long Beach and was restored to be a hotel. (Next to it is the Russian sub, Scorpion, that you can tour.) If anyone is curious, the website for it is HERE.


Did you see any ghosts while you were there? :P They say that ship is haunted. I have yet to go see the ship, and I live only about 1 hour drive away from it. Pretty sad... LOL :laughingsmiley:

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I missed seeing you around TDN, Doc.


Also Tina, your signature/avatar set gets a perfect 10/10 from me, and I was enjoying Spritzie's set that SEAP made her (also decent).

Who made your set, Tina? I want to know. :guiltysmiley:

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The Doc is in the building.... again! :D


Welcome back... again, Doc. :D Stick around this time. :P


Did you see any ghosts while you were there? :P They say that ship is haunted. I have yet to go see the ship, and I live only about 1 hour drive away from it. Pretty sad... LOL :laughingsmiley:


My dad and I were actually there for a cruise leaving from Long Beach, so the cruise company made a deal with the Queen Mary for discounts on the stays, so that's how I ended up there.


No I didn't. Though some stupid stuff happened while we were there. My dad wakes up super early (4-5am) so he went roaming around the area with his camera while I slept. I woke up to the alarm going off on our first night. I was seriously annoyed that we didn't think to make sure the last people shut it off. I was thinking of trying to just ignore it and go back to sleep, when an announcement came over the system, saying to evacuate. (It was actually the fire alarm.) So I got dressed super quick, only to get to the front desk, and have them say it was a false alarm. (Some kids pulled one of the alarms.) While I was by the desk, my dad had gone to the room looking for me and I wasn't there. By the time I got back to the room, he'd left to try to find me. :laughingsmiley:


They were doing the ghost tours, but we didn't get to go.

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Haha, that sounds like a crazy trip Spritzie. I've tended to stay in the cheapest hotels whenever we needed to stay somewhere. :whistle: Although I did enjoy the double tree hotel when we stayed there since they had chocolate chip cookies for you at the desk whenever you wanted one :yum:

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We always do the same thing, but my dad decided since the Queen Mary was giving us a deal, it would make for a really cool experience. When we went on a cruise out of Miami the year before, we stayed at one of the cheapest, non-gross, places we could find.

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I've always wanted to go on a Disney cruise, and an Alaskan cruise. Both of the cruises I went on were concert cruises. That's the only reason I went. I managed to talk my dad into going with me, because my best friend couldn't. Well, at least the first year. With the second year, the first year worked out so perfectly, I didn't even ask my best friend, I just asked my dad.

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That's really cool that you and your dad could enjoy something like that together.


Once again, I'm stuck in the "I don't know what to eat and now that I've waited I don't know whether to eat breakfast or lunch" mode again <_<

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Spending a good amount of quality time with my dad was something I never really got to do a lot of. He always worked a lot, and when he was home, we find of ending up paring off a bit. I did more stuff with my mom, while my sister did more stuff with him. The only times I really did a lot with my dad was when it was band related (my dad's family was big into band, plus we'd do duets and such back when I was playing) and the whole Bring-Your-Daughter-to-Work Day stuff. I used to go with my dad for the day, every year.


Breakfast foods are perfectly acceptable for breakfast, or lunch. Or dinner. :yes:

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I hardly eat waffles, but I do sneak them pretty late in the night or early in the morning if I get the chance.

To be honest, I'm more of a cereal guy. I normally have Honey Nut Cheerios or Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries pretty often out of all cereals.

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I missed seeing you around TDN, Doc.

Yeah, sorry bout that. I got caught up in school and all that. Ya know. -shudders- HIGH SCHOOL <_<



Welcome back... again, Doc. :D Stick around this time. :P

Yes ma'am! I plan to this time for a good while at least... until Semester Exams... :mellow:

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On the topic of waffles, I'm sad to say that I have never tried eating a waffle in my life! Serious! :(


Don't feel bad, stranger I've never talked to, I never have either! :whistle:

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Doc, Ain/Evil Bunny is a newer member here (not so much since she's been on for several months now). There are lots of newer faces in the TDN community that you have yet to meet over here at TDN, Doc.

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Doc, Ain/Evil Bunny is a newer member here (not so much since she's been on for several months now). There are lots of newer faces in the TDN community that you have yet to meet over here at TDN, Doc.


I would be one of them. :D


Eeehh, what's up, Doc? *shakes hand* I didn't know we've got a doctor in the house.

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