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I officially want a Draik!

Same pinch!! :yes:



Biology happens to one of my best subjects too! ^_^


Physics kills me: Explanations, formulas, numbers... Makes me confused and dizzy. *shrugs*

:laughingsmiley: I hate Biology. And Chemistry. And Physics too. :P


My favorite subject is Literature. And Geography!



My favorite subject is Literature. And Geography!


Hooray Literature! I'm actually an English Lit. major now (mostly due to lack of course offerings in English writing) so I definitely appreciate other Literature lovers. I'm not too good with geography, so not one of my favorites, personally.


I love reading and writing, but I hate English class. All we do is over-analyze absolutely everything. I'm in honors English and honestly, I don't know why the heck I'm in there as I can't do apparently simple stuff like identify themes, figurative language, etc. I'll be surprised (and very happy) if I get a D for the quarter for that class. :/


Geography is one of the things that I'm better at, if you mean "identify capitals and read maps." But I'm in global history + geography, it's really boring and it's become one of my worst classes. We're relearning stuff we learned back in grade 6 (ancient civilizations and whatnot) and I think I was half-asleep during my grade 6 social studies classes...so that's not good. D:


I feel your pain, pyrope. We're doing sonnet analysis in my Lit. Analysis class and am beyond lost. Who cares if the sonnet is Italian or English style? Let's just read it, attempt to write our own, and move on already!


*An engineering student wanders into the room and wonders why he feels out of place.* :P


*POOF* ;)


I love literature. And I've just found out that it's not english, it's lit. Not the language, but the use of it to create something beautiful. :)


When I was young, I was "quiet and confident" (quote my kindergarten teacher who met my mum and after 7 years still remembered me. :) ) and now, if you tell that to any one of my friends, they will laugh their heads off. The confident has progressed to assured, cool, and funky (my personality not me. I'm a boring person but my personality is not, if you know what I mean. :) ) and the quiet... let's just say it's not so quiet after all. :P


Syrin: I love writing! Poems and stories... although I feel my stories are stronger. However, poems are an easy medium to express myself.


Lulz, freshman honors english is the most failed class in my highschool...


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the same at my school. I also wouldn't be surprised if living environment (a fancy word for biology) honors was the most failed class. I have a few friends who take that class and they get homework just about every night and get tests every few days, at least from what I heard from them. I can also infer that they over-analyze stuff waaaaay more than in honors English.


So yeah, I'm kind of glad that I wasn't smart enough to make honors living environment ^_^


Well at least you guys don't have oral testing? (the teacher questions you in front of the whole class for a grade).

Staying at school today was so hard because I'm so excited - today it's football match (and by that I mean soccer) between our club and Birmingham City from UK. They're all over the city and I'm a huge fan of our club so .. :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: Gosh I'm so nervous I can't even type :P


We have oral test. xD We have everything. Listening skills, speaking skills, writing skills, grammar skills, spelling skills.


I love soccer. :yes: My older brother is a huge fan. So he watches some of the matches at times. I join him(cause I don't have anything else to do!).


I have school in 50 mins. :P And today is my last exam! Yippee!!


I've only done one oral test that I know of. I believe I mentioned it before, but it was on mythology and I totally bombed it. (I got a 33 out of 100, which is the worst grade I've ever gotten.) I never want to do another oral exam again, nor do I want to read anything mythology-related ever again. Sadly, I will have to read more mythology and possibly do more oral exams as I get older. :(

I was like "uhhhh...blah blah hkjfgsdhjf uhhhh...so yeah...ajhddsjhjd" the entire time and I didn't realize everything I was saying was totally wrong until after I finished the test.


@Pranky: Good luck with your exam! :D


Good luck, Anisha. :D



I have a science test tomorrow that I need to get an A on if i don't want my grade to go down to a C.

I usually average a B without studying, so I think i'm gonna actually study this time and see if I can get an A.

I have to write an essay too about the Oddysey, Hobbit, and a Redwall book.

And I think I have a math test. I'm good at math though so I don't plan on studying.


Thanks everyone. :D


All this talk of school makes me so glad I'm done.

I envy you. :P


The worst grade I even got was 11/100. :whistle: I know I know, thats like fail. But I didn't actually failed. I just passed. And it was even a not-so-important test. I had studied nothing. xD And it was about P.E., Physical Education.


EDIT: Best of luck, Ryan. :D


I never liked school. Okay, not never. I liked kindergarten and 8th grade so much that I actually hated weekends. But other than that, I was not a fan of school.


I don't like school, but I consider it easy. And I hate weekends too, but only cause i'm usually too lazy to try to see my friends over the weekend. :P


Lets see. I loved 7th grade, 9th and 10th was TOTALLY awesome. :D I was never a fan of 11th, and 12th is going pretty fine so far. Just the studies have doubled.


Ryan- Have you read any of the Redwall books yet? I haven't, but as I understand they involve rodents, I would think that they would fit into the category of something you would enjoy (as squirrels are rodents and such)


And I hate weekends too, but only cause i'm usually too lazy to try to see my friends over the weekend. :P


Same. :| I always want to see my friends over the weekend, but I most of the time, I don't really want to invite them to my place because it's boring.

Usually people end up inviting themselves to my place instead of me inviting them. I don't get it. :P


When I was in school, I generally did more stuff with my family, rather than my friends from school. All except one friend in middle school and HS that I grew up with.


I agree with you Sweetdang!


The awesome friends you can meet, the teachers with quirky personalities, and the things you do in school!

Excluding homework and exams, I love school: it's like part of my life! :D


The only reason why I like school is because of my friends. Like most people, I hate homework, exams and waking up early...especially waking up early. x_x

I usually leave the house by 7 and wake up at 6:45, which is still way too early even though it's kind of a late time for me to wake up on a school morning.

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