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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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That's what happens whenever I go on here from my iPod. I don't use the boards from my iPod anymore because when I log back in from my computer, I go un-anon and I don't like that. (At least that's what happened when I used JNF from my iPod.)


One of these days I'll go un-anon, just most likely not today. :P

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Going un-anonymous is one thing I don't want to do. I chose to be hidden, so I can get all lurker-like and such.

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I don't get why people go anon TBH, also pyrope, you should re-make your graphic stand as everyone said.



Also, would it be possible to get a Layton Vickles sig.. Dont care how it looks as long as layton is the focus. Thanks.

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My only boy neopets is now a girl.

I've had a massive cup of coffee and an energy drink and I'm still tired.

I spilled coffee on my white shirt.

and i spent forever making a new color scheme for my meLo just to, NOT SAVE ITTTTT.

So, distractions?

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I have been to Starbucks exactly once, because someone bought me a gift card. I was overwhelmed by the staff snobbery and underwhelmed by the product, so I spent up my gift card and never went back. The city I live in now doesn't even have an actual Starbucks, just a takeout in a local grocery store.

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I love Starbucks. I'm addicted to their iced chai tea, and their sweetened brewed black tea. That's all I ever get there. (I don't drink coffee, but I've heard from tons of people that their coffee is bad.)


The employees here are always awesome. (Except certain locations, they are too loud, or just generally rude and unprofessional.) We found one in town we like, so we go there to use the internet and get out of the house, and drink tea. The employees there are really nice.

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I remembered going to Starbucks in Malaysia trying a chocolate drink (I can't remember the name)! It tasted nice! ^_^


I'm not a person who drinks coffee, but when one time I tried white mocha from my friend who bought it at Starbucks, I loved it! ^_^ But I wouldn't dare to buy it, it's too expensive here.

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I have a Starbucks about 2 minutes from my office. I haven't been there in months, but I'll occasionally treat myself to a chai. Plus, my mom knows I like Starbucks, considering she's the one that started me on it, so she'll occasionally give me a gift card, and my dad sometimes gets Starbucks gift cards as awards from work, so he'll give them to me or my mom because he doesn't like their coffee.

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I don't like plain, straight coffee unless I add at least two packets of sugar and a lot of milk or cream. Even then, sometimes it ends up being too strong for my tastes.

I do like drinks with some coffee in them, such as coffee shakes. :D


Also, Starbucks has really good hot cocoa. Being a year-round cocoa drinker, I hate that they only offer it during the fall and winter (if I remember correctly).

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