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Giovanni Gale

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I was awake until 2:00 a.m. this morning then I fell asleep and got up at 8:00 a.m.


I'm not tired at all.


I'm jealous of people like you :P I need at least 8 hours a night, or I'm exhausted :laughingsmiley:

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But that's because you have to get up crazy early :laughingsmiley:


Have any of you guys ever played Squirrel Squash? I used to play it years ago, and I just found out the song that's in the background! :D It's Gamble Rumble! :wub_anim:

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I don't mind early times...but i don't mind staying up late either :laughingsmiley: That usually leads to me staying up far too late, and waking up far too early :rolleyes_anim:


The problem is that there's not enough time in a day to do everything i want to do :P

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There are times that I have to force myself to sleep. I have to say "Okay Naamah, you need to get some rest, for your sanity's sake....wait! I can be perfectly sane without sleep."


Back when people thought I was Bipolar(the psych ward ruled that out.)everyone was like "Oh no!!! Naamah's Manic! She stayed up two hours past 11:00 p.m. NOOOO!!!!!!!!" :eye roll:

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Ouch, yeah I know that feeling. Sometimes, when I'm so excited for the next day, i have to go through all kinds of relaxing routines :laughingsmiley:


I like sleeping though, so generally it's not too big of a problem.


Lol, staying up two hours late doesn't make you manic :P

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Even if I was Bipolar and even if I were manic, it's not the end of the world. So calm down for crying out loud. I'm not Bipolar though, I guess I'm just a creature of the night.

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Lol I know right? People get so worked up about nothing :P


Trust me, I've seen manic behavior. It can be scary though, if you don't know what it is :guiltysmiley:

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I always seem to have some trouble sleeping, stress-related, I'm sure. I went to bed about 11 last night, got up today at 9:30 & I still feel tired because I kept waking up in the middle of the night for no real reason . . .

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Waking up in the middle of the night is the worst...and seeing the sun come up, and it's only 6 whatever :P

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Agreed. It's even worse if you wake up right before your alarm is supposed to go off. I always feel like my brain is trying to tell me my alarm is set too late or something.

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I always wake up before my alarm, usually with just enough time to shut it off. For me, it's because I hate waking up to an alarm so much, it seems my body senses when it's close to going off and gets me up so I can turn it off.

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I don't even use an alarm unless I need more time to get ready in the morning. If I do use my alarm, I always use my phone because my alarm clock has a mind of its own. It randomly turns on when it's supposed to be off. D:

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Ughh I always wake up a minute or two before my alarm! :laughingsmiley: I feel cheated out of that extra minute of sleep

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I might as well not even use the alarm to wake because my husband is the one who is always supposed to turn it off & instead he hits snooze about 5 times <_< . . . It gets frustrating

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My phone works soooo much better than my actual alarm clock. Whenever I use my alarm on my phone I always set it at the lowest volume it can go (without being silent) and it still wakes me up :rolleyes_anim: With my alarm clock, however, I'd have to set it to be really loud, and I'd often have to wake up with Don't Stop Believin' or *insert Lady Gaga song here* blasting throughout my room at four or five in the morning. (True story.)

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We just have an annoying beeping sound. The phone alarm works great, but most of the time are phones are on vibrate so the headboard shaking is what wakes us up.


However, when my alarm on my phone goes off, it's the theme from Gremlins :D

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I use my phone as an alarm when I need to, although I generally wake up on time for things :D I used to wake up to the Super Smash Brawl Main Theme, but I have it currently set to Ke$ha's Chain Reaction

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Haha, I'd love to wake up to Super Smash Bros. Brawl Theme. I used to have my text tone set to something from one of the Mario games. Now it's the Star Trek communicator sound (which my mother-in-law thought was a bird or something chirping . . .)

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Yeah, it made me feel epic every morning :laughingsmiley: Hey, my text tone is the Mario coin sound right now!! :D


My ringtone is a cat meowing from Riviera: The Promised Land xDDDD

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