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Giovanni Gale

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Awww :( A few of my friends are like that. They always knew the material way better than I did, but then panicked on the exam. :/ I've always enjoyed taking exams (as much as someone can enjoy taking a test lol :laughingsmiley: ) so they've never been a problem for me.


BTW Spritzie did you see who I got??? *pokes account* :D

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I remember when I was in Advanced Math in 6th grade. The teacher didn't care if you did your homework (Which I always did.) but your grades were based completely off of your tests. I got a C in math most of the year. :laughingsmiley: As soon as I went to the Advanced Math in 7th grade, where homework factored in, I was back up to As, and the occasional B.


You mean the UC Darigan Bori? :D

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Great to see you back after all those exams Manta.

I also had a friend who went through exams recently, and proud for her going through all of it. :D

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Haha that's awesome!! :D I'm completely the opposite: I do terribly in classes that rely on HW for grades, but do pretty well in exam-based classes. I'm just no good at doing things on a regular basis.


Yup!!! Shy is my newest permie; I made a three-way trade to trade Minoa_ for him. I miss Min a little bit but Shy has been a dreamie since 2006, so he was totally worth it!!


Thanks Mysterion!! :D Phew I'm so tired, but need to keep packing lol xDDD

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I think I find comfort in regular, mundane things, so homework always worked well for me.


That's awesome! Congrats! I think there's really only 2 UC pets I'd do nearly anything to have. A UC Faerie Draik, and a UC Faerie Shoyru. :yes: Which will never happen, especially the Draik.

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Hello people. :3

@Manta Congrats on getting a UC Darigan Bori and finishing your exams. It's nice to see you back. :D

@Spritzie UC Faerie Draiks are awesome- they're one of the only UC pets that I actually want. xD It's a shame that they're so rare though.

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I didn't have any finals... it's weird to be out of all of that, but it's sure nice! My friend and I went to the free finals breakfast on campus though. :D

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I have finals near the end of next month, and I'm not looking forward to them at all. I have a three-hour Regents exam for science that I honestly wish I wasn't taking.

The only good thing about that is, I get to come to school late and leave about half an hour earlier than usual :3


On a somewhat related note, I have a state test tomorrow and another one on Thursday. ._.

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Agreed... that sounds like no fun.


Well, I'm still in school... and taking (a few) classes, but they don't have finals, which is nice. I've just had take-home exams this year.

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I sure missed out on a lot! I've got finals next week so I've been here on & off in between studying. I don't normally like studying (I get myself too worked up & tend to forget more things . . . ) but some classes I just have to review for like my psych class. Ugh.


Anybody else who's in school have finals coming up or if they're done, how'd you do?



Also, Spritzie, good luck on your test for certification!

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I have a three-hour Regents exam for science that I honestly wish I wasn't taking.


oh hey you're a New Yorker too!!! Which regents are you taking? :D I remember those :P I scored in the 90s for all but the Math B...got an 80something for that one xDD Good luck on your exam and remember to draw funny pictures to amuse the graders!! :) Oh wait, that's AP exams...haha oh well :laughingsmiley:

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It's not going to fun. Our manager has refused to tell us any parameters of what it could include. It could be anything from procedures, to the X,Y coordinates of machines in the data centers, to tape storage capabilities.

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That sounds really unfun xDD I guess it's just looking for general breadth of knowledge then.

How much do you need to pass?

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Wowwwwwww that's insane!! o_O Good luck!!!


*is so glad to be done with exams for the semester*


Bleh...I hate packing up my dorm room. The walls look so bare without all of my posters :sad02:

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oh hey you're a New Yorker too!!! Which regents are you taking? :D I remember those :P I scored in the 90s for all but the Math B...got an 80something for that one xDD Good luck on your exam and remember to draw funny pictures to amuse the graders!! :) Oh wait, that's AP exams...haha oh well :laughingsmiley:


Yup. -pokes location- I'm taking the Earth Science Regents. No math Regents this year because I'm in normal math...that's next year. :P

Thank you c:

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Hi all :)


Not posted on HOP for a while.


*pokes post above me*

You have a nice siggy :3


Anyway, I've got my first exam tomorrow. Really dreading it. It's English, I hate the subject. All the tedious essay writing and boring passages... :grrr: I've done nothing but English for the past 2 days and it's driving me nuts. I'll be SO relieved tomorrow when I finish the papers...I'll be rid of the subject FOR GOOD. :woot: ...unless I fail miserably and have to do the subject for another year.


Hope everyone is well. :)

I shall pop back again another time.

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