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Giovanni Gale

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Oh nice ;) I wish I could go, I've never even been to California :(

I can't think of any other place to live really. I just love the weather here.

When I went to the East Coast I was freezing my buns off Dx

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I can't think of any other place to live really. I just love the weather here.

When I went to the East Coast I was freezing my buns off Dx

Haha, I could say the same for where I am now :)


The weather where I live is...meh. Us East Coasters have to put up with unbearably snowy and cold winters and occasionally, scorching summers. >_>

Other than that, springtime and fall are pretty good. :P

Spring here is great, I saw people in shorts yesterday and it was only like 15 or 16 (celcius, of course :P)

Can't wait for summer, I don't mind the occasional scorching :P

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The weather where I live is...meh. Us East Coasters have to put up with unbearably snowy and cold winters and occasionally, scorching summers. >_>

Other than that, springtime and fall are pretty good. :P

I rather stay with our no season weather aha.

It's funny, when it's rainy/cold you'll see a lot of cranky Californians and when it's has the nice San Diego sunshine everyone is all out and about running. surfing and just soaking up the sun xD

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I might be your clone *shifty eyes* I am a 100% Cali girl aha xD

I love Hawaii when we go there and vacation and when my dad was stationed there, the waves are sweeet <3


I just got some Rite Aid ice cream, pretty good ice cream for the price they are selling it xD



is your dad in the Navy?


if you say yes, I'm pretty sure my jaw will fall off and be permanently attached to the floor. my dad was in the Navy and that's how he met my mother!

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What's a Jack in the Box, Spritz? I've never heard of it.


It's basically a burger place.


Livvy, Jack in the box is amazing. :P


:sick01: Ew, no. I'll never, ever eat there. We used to have them here years ago, and they all shut down after they were caught selling burgers with kangaroo meat, when they were supposed to be beef. They just started reopening here, years later.

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is your dad in the Navy?


if you say yes, I'm pretty sure my jaw will fall off and be permanently attached to the floor. my dad was in the Navy and that's how he met my mother!

It's pretty much a Filipino stereotype but yes my dad was in the Navy ahaha also that's how he and my mom meet o-o;

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is your dad in the Navy?


if you say yes, I'm pretty sure my jaw will fall off and be permanently attached to the floor. my dad was in the Navy and that's how he met my mother!


It's pretty much a Filipino stereotype but yes my dad was in the Navy ahaha also that's how he and my mom meet o-o;


I love stories like that, they're actually the best .... just saying :whistle:

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I love stories like that, they're actually the best .... just saying :whistle:


:laughingsmiley: My parents met at work. My dad worked for Digital (the computer company that was bought out years ago) and my mom worked for the County Motor Vehicle department. My dad fixed computers, and was working on the county's contract at the time, and my mom was over-seeing the counties' computers that my dad was fixing at the time, because the co-worker of my mom's that usually over-saw them, was on vacation.


Years later, after they were married, my mom found out that a couple of her co-workers used to tell my dad that my mom would pour paper clips into the computers so he'd come fix them. :laughingsmiley: My mom thinks, to this day, he still believes it. (And no, she didn't do that.)

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:laughingsmiley: My parents met at work. My dad worked for Digital (the computer company that was bought out years ago) and my mom worked for the County Motor Vehicle department. My dad fixed computers, and was working on the county's contract at the time, and my mom was over-seeing the counties' computers that my dad was fixing at the time, because the co-worker of my mom's that usually over-saw them, was on vacation.


Years later, after they were married, my mom found out that a couple of her co-workers used to tell my dad that my mom would pour paper clips into the computers so he'd come fix them. :laughingsmiley: My mom thinks, to this day, he still believes it. (And no, she didn't do that.)




I read that and I actually had the biggest smile on my face, that's so adorable :D

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I read that and I actually had the biggest smile on my face, that's so adorable :D

I agree that is so cute :)

Reminds me of some scenes from my Korean dramas lol

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It's always a fun story to tell. My sister and I always had fun with it, joking about the time my mom helped him carry his tools to the car, and he ended up forgetting his tool box, and then he ran it over. :laughingsmiley:

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I agree that is so cute :)

Reminds me of some scenes from my Korean dramas lol


I just realized how you relate to like everything. It's quite fantastic, actually :P


Dramas as in plays? or not? :P

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I just realized how you relate to like everything. It's quite fantastic, actually :P


Dramas as in plays? or not? :P

Relate to everything? What you mean by that lol.

And dramas as in soap operas xD;

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Relate to everything? What you mean by that lol.

And dramas as in soap operas xD;


It's a good thing, trust me. It's just I see you posting everywhere and it's like BAM *insert interesting story here* you know? :P idk like I like it :P


ANYWHO soap operas are great ;)

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I thought that said 'scorchio' summers and I was going to compliment you for being clever then it turns out I just can't read :rolleyes_anim:


I thought I was the only one who noticed that ... like in my head when I was reading it read "scorchio" and not "scorching" ... :whistle:

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Haha, great minds think alike.


Every time I hear that saying though, in my mind I hear Genie from Aladdin interrupt saying 'NO, Great Minds Think For Themselves!' from a commercial on the Disney channel from years ago. Not sure why that always comes back in my head, I guess it was really great advertising...

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I always used to think of how some old friends of mine used to say "Get out of my head" in instances like this.


My mom says that to me all the time, because apparently we think exactly the same x_x :P

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& nice! Usually when someone says something, my mind reverts to lyrics and I end up singing ..... :*

It gets annoying sometimes XD .... :whistle:


I do that too! Though unfortunately I usually sing along or spurt out a jingle from a commercial as opposed to an actual song. We used to actually have an on going game/competition with friends that you got a point whenever sang a part of a song right after/during the conversation about whatever topic was just said. I was pretty good at that since I kind of do it all the time anyway :laughingsmiley:

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