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Giovanni Gale

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Soo... my pets all came down with this "unidentified disease."

TNT's piñata joke I presume.





Not what I said >.>


& Looks like we can cure other people's pets @ the hospital :O

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I'm left in shock about the unknown disease with my pets, as well as my allies.

I've been on a curing spree as of late for all of my friends.


Nice piñata getup TDN staff, that was rather unexpected.

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I think the piñata's joke on Neo is kinda lame...I was hoping for something a bit more dramatic :P


Oh well, it's friday xD

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I love Yugioh hair that was my favote show to wacth everyday the end was sad I cried my eyes out. I on the other had had shoder lanth hair but for me that too long ill be getting it cut next week


I used to like Yu-Gi-Oh! too (:


I'm trying to grow my hair back. It used to go half way down my back, but one day I thought I'd chop it all off and try something new. I got it cut just above my shoulders, cut in layers and I got a fringe (or bangs as I've heard it called by Americans ;))... Biggest mistake of my life. I disliked it immediately but it was too late, there was no turning back :(

It's past my shoulders now but I want another 6inches on it. Taking its time.

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(or bangs as I've heard it called by Americans ;))


That's the only way I've ever heard someone call...hair that falls in your face. XD


I still have a lot of Yu-gi-oh cards laying around. XD

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Bangs are horrible, in my opinion. (The reason, for me, being they're more trouble than they're worth, not how they look.) I had bangs all my life and into HS. Then in my Sophomore year, I'd had enough and butterfly clips were really popular, so I used those to hold my bangs back until they grew out enough to fit into ponytails and such. And I've never had them again.

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Bangs are horrible, in my opinion. (The reason, for me, being they're more trouble than they're worth, not how they look.) I had bangs all my life and into HS. Then in my Sophomore year, I'd had enough and butterfly clips were really popular, so I used those to hold my bangs back until they grew out enough to fit into ponytails and such. And I've never had them again.


I totally agree :/

I had one of those fringes (bangs) like Suri Cruz (image) when I was a toddler but it grew out.

Up until last year I'd never wanted to get one because I was really sporty and always had my hair tied back. But everybody else had nice haircuts and mine had always been very natural... so I tried something new as all my friends seemed to suit it but for me it was a disaster.

Now, like you, I have to butterfly clip all of the short strands of hair in order to keep them out of my face. So annoying. I deeply regret it. I hope the short hairs grow faster so I can tie up my hair without the clips.

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I could never keep mine curled, as I didn't like them straight. I also used other flat clips that blended in with my hair color, to keep the hairs that were too short, flat.


I'll never go back to bangs. It's so much easier to not mess with them. I can just toss my hair in a ponytail, or a clip, and be done with it.

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I had bangs in middle school, it did not turn out well since my hair is rather curly, it turned into 2 ringlets in the front of my forehead :sad01_anim: very stupid looking and I shall never go back to that idea again.

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Are we talking about bangs? xD

If so, I had (and still have, to some extent) side-bangs; I don't have the right face for actual bangs.

Also, I gave myself side-bangs on the other side of my face, hated them and ended up cutting them off, with bad results, so now I'm trying to grow that out :P

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I still have nightmares about bangs. My mother thought they were necessary when I was a kid (she still has bangs). Of course, it was the '80s, so everyone had bangs. I hated it so much. My hair got really curly when I was in grade 4, and my mum made me brush it, instead of combing it, so I had this big pouf of hair across my forehead. This was when poufy bangs were popular, but I thought I looked like a poodle. I hated it. This continued straight through grade 8. By the time I was in grade 9, though, I decided that I had enough, and I let them grow out.

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So no ponytails for you? :laughingsmiley:




:laughingsmiley: Ponytails are good, Doc. You should try!




Tried that once. Except I used it to be a unicorn! :D

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Haha. Win! If I tried that, it wouldn't so much look like a unicorn as much as fluffy curly attacking my face. My hair is so thick it's not even funny.


I know right! :D

That wouldn't be too much fun... unless you pretended you were an alien! :evo:

My hair's really thick too... at least when it's long. I can't even run my hand through it without it getting stuck <_<

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So we're discussing hairstyles now huh? xD I guess I'm a little out of my league here - my hair's pretty short, and usually stays fairly neat. We have something of an agreement. It stays out of the way, and I leave it alone (except for the occasional haircut). :yes:

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My hair? As short as I can get it. I hate long hair.


I always like to shave off my hair, and sport a bald look myself. I'm just one person who doesn't like his hair.

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I absolutely love long hair on guys. If it's well cared for, I think it looks amazing.

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I absolutely love long hair on guys. If it's well cared for, I think it looks amazing.


I like shorter hair on guys. My husband's is fairly short, but he always puts off getting it cut for ages, so it gets pretty long (by my standards) then you add in his beard if he doesn't keep it trimmed... I tell him he may live in Colorado now, but he needs to stop trying to look like a mountain man. :laughingsmiley:

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My husband's hair gets a bit crazy. Mine, since it's fairly short (barely below my shoulders) and it's super, super straight, I don't really have any issues with craziness. (Unless it's windy. And it's windy a lot here. Sunday, we had 70-80 MPH winds, including one gust recorded at 87 MPH.)

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I think we're getting your winds right now. It was SO windy last night it kept waking me up. The mail box keeps slamming shut in the wind, it super annoying, I should probably go out there and tie it shut. :rolleyes_anim:

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