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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I actually like it. I only work 3.5 days, and get 3.5 days off. Of my team of 6, one is a manager and works 5 - 8 hour days, and one works at night, 4 - 10 hours. The 4 of us that are left, cover the days, and nights in 12 hour shifts. (Except for the 1 day, we do 6 hours.) And I'm the beginning of the week, day shift. So I get Wednesday afternoon and all of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off.

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Here's how I function during the day (since you brought it up), all times EST.

I wake up at 7AM or 7:30AM on a weekday to get ready for work, I do stop by to do my Neopets Dailies (if I haven't done so yet) and post in the forums.

I go to work at 9AM, and go to the public library at 1PM (where I get to my Neopets routine again).

I return home at 3PM and rest until either 8PM or 11PM (varies depending on how alert I am).

After my afternoon/evening rest, I remain active on Neopets (along with TDN and JNF) until 4AM.


That's how I basically function on a weekday if you wanted to know.


Weekends are quite different, where I sleep at Noon or 1PM and wake up at 8PM or 10PM.


I'm mostly active during the morning and late night based on my sleep patterns.

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Congrats on getting your wish granted. The background looks nice...kind of wish I could step inside my laptop and go on holiday there! Soft-looking sand, blue sea, blue skies & sunshine...perfect :)

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Thank you :D I agree! I'd love to go there myself. It's been so horribly windy here. Last night, it actually knocked down a light pole in the parking lot at work. (And onto the Security car.)

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No. I wasn't hurt. I wasn't even there. (It happened over night) I don't think anyone was hurt. Chances are, no one was in the security car at the time, either.


We just had insanely strong winds that night.

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Guess who just played Katamari Damacy for the first time yesterday??? :D

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Umm, was it you? Ooo, Ooo please them me I'm right. I've got a good feeling about this answer.


The front of those games always look strangely tripy to me and I never get around to picking it up to read the bad to see what it's actually about.

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Yeah, it is a really trippy game. I'm not very good at it....But it's a lot of fun!! :D

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Katamari games are entertaining but I don't know whether I would spend my money to play it. I mean, you do the same exact thing on every level, make a ball.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm playing with a friend's copy of the game, so no money lost there :D

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Guess who got the hat back, guys? ;)


Let me take a wild guess, shall I? It'd be you, the one who was once called Hammertime and Inverse Ghost Operation. :)

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Yay for hats!!! :D I'm a hat person too, though I tend to go for strange hats rather than fedoras. Once the weather gets warmer, I can break out my cowboy hat with turkey feathers tucked in the hatband (I plucked the feathers myself!) and my fancy 1920s-esque peacock feather hat. Also, I have a robin hood-style hat that's slightly too big for me, and more costumelike than legit, but I still like to wear it anyhow :D

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For hats, maybe just my festive Santa hat every Christmas season. I was never to much into wearing hats my own self. :P

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