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Giovanni Gale

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Indeed! It's the day on which I can procrastinate all my work because I have two entire days to do it in! :D


And of course, on Sunday, I can still procrastinate, since I still have one entire day to do it in! :D

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Indeed! It's the day on which I can procrastinate all my work because I have two entire days to do it in! :D


And of course, on Sunday, I can still procrastinate, since I still have one entire day to do it in! :D

Truer words were never spoken lol :P But pshhh nobody does work on Saturdays. And pshhh, nobody does work on Sunday till 2am Monday :P

Or, whatever, I have an hour between classes Monday, I'll just do the work then!! :D


(or maybe that's just me haha) :rolleyes_anim:

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Hahaha yeah. I feel like everybody's a procrastinator at heart :P

Unfortunately, I have like two 10 page research papers due in the next two weeks, so I don't think I really should be procrastinating now. But oh well.


*picks up a Storm of Swords and continues to read*

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I promise! I'll change my ways of procrastination! :D I swear!


...I'll start tomorrow ;)

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We should probably change the topic, we're setting a bad example for the readers of this thread. xD


We'll find a new topic on the next page. :yes:

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Did you say pizza? I love trying out all sorts of pizza!

Has anyone tried out Buffalo Shrimp Pizza? If you do, it's more spicier than Buffalo Chicken Pizza. :yum:

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Hmm... those sure do sound like awesome things to try. I'll check them out... tomorrow. :P


No seriously, I have two major assignments due and a test tomorrow, and I've barely started. I really shouldn't even be on TDN right now. xD

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*Falls in*

I have absolutely no energy today. I coached two 7-a-side girls football (soccer) matches today in the freezing cold. Stuffed my face when I got home... and now I'm lying down with my laptop, trying to keep my eyes open while listening to a recording of my speaking test draft for French tomorrow. *yawns*


Still stuck on Nova Defender. Dunno if I'll ever get there...

I'll do Sutek's Tomb later as I'm too tired to do it right now.


Apart from those two games, I've done every AAA Daily Dare so far.

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Yep. TNT really simplified their trophy system this year.


For gold, you have to beat AAA on all challenges, regardless of when you did them. For silver, you have to complete all challenges before the end, with at least one AAA win. Bronze is all Abigail wins before the end. And not completing one or more challenges will get you participant.

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I've still got Nova Defenders and Kou Jong left which are going to take me FOR-E-VER :grrr: I've beaten AAA for everything else so I hope in the last week or so I can scrape by in those two games. I'm so bad at them :sad01_anim:

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Keep practicing with Kou Jong. Try playing on Medium, so you get better and quicker with recognizing the matching tiles, then move on to hard. Try to bring down the high stacks first, and on level 3, as soon as possible, try to get those single tiles on the left and right sides cleared so they stop blocking the tiles you might need.


I still need Nova Defender and Dubloon Disaster. I haven't even tried Dubloon Disaster yet. It was my last day off and I haven't felt up to yet. I'll probably work on both after work tonight.

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Oh poo, you know what else I have to do is Suket's tomb. Totally forgot about that one which I am also no where near the amount needed yet. It makes me sad when people are like woah that was so easy for suket's tomb because I really don't think I'm that bad at that game yet my score seems to disagree. :sad01_anim: I guess I'm just not getting enough bonus points is the problem.

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Meh. I think it'd be lame if not being able to do Nova Defender costs me a trophy. That'd mean that after all my work at beating AAA in other games, I'd get a worse trophy than somebody who did all the easy Abigail challenges :/

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I'm still aiming for the silver trophy...I've beaten AAA twice, & Abigail the rest, all on challenge day. I don't have the patience or gaming skills to aim for gold! Quite in awe of people who have managed to beat AAA at everything/almost everything.

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