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Giovanni Gale

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Mwahaha. -shows off fact that being in school is cooler than having a job-

We get more holidays.


Anyway, my cousin and her husband(Married last year I think) are staying with my grandpa and they have a super cute dog that is currently runing around the house and occasionally coming in the computer room. I don't think it likes TDN.

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My job isn't really typical. Pretty much all of the company, but my team, is off today. But my team (and the one that now shares the room with us) is a 24/7/365 team. So someone is here day and night all week, even on weekends and holidays.

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That dude that makes the videos about gingers?


Yes. He's done complaining about gingers though. In this video, he was apologizing to African-Americans for slavery, something that he wasn't even alive for, therefore something he didn't do. And then he started crying.


He's also done a terrible dance video, terrible singing, and other whining.

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It's really not bad. I don't mind it. I'm not big into the holidays and we're workable. If we have to celebrate Christmas early, or late, that's fine with us. (In fact, I was off Christmas last year, and we still gave the gifts early.)

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... Okay, does this dude have a mental issue? Or is he just trying to get beat up in a parking lot in rl?


He's complaining about issues that don't exist basically. His last video was about him crying about Boxxy returning to Youtube, whom flammed him to no end. He wants all of his fans to falsely flag her channel. Then he used the infamous line "I NEED RETRIBUTION!!!". He has since then removed the video.


Type in "MY FIRST DANCE VIDEO Coppercab" into Youtube. I can't link it here because like always, he swears like a sailor.

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Generally, there's 2 holidays a year a KNOW will fall on my shift. (Memorial and Labor Day) 2 that never will (Thanksgiving and the day after) And the rest, you never know. Depends on the year. But if I work Christmas, I'll work New Years.

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Why is he trying to be a redheaded Michael Jackson? :eh:


He's not. He's just being butthurt if you ask me.




I made it through the whole song. I was laughing.

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I got to about 50 seconds.

... I hope he knows hes bad. o.o'


No, he doesn't. He thought it was great.


Note that the person believes that the other people singing is Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and that they are in a band.


I can't wait for Blackbuster (the one whom challenged you at the beginning) to rip him to shreds, since he will be doing a Sonic Brainfart on him.

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Set has been changed.


Lol wow. xD


They're seriously a band?

... That's not good.


The guy believes that he is in a band with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, when he is actually just recording his voice several times. It's sad.

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Jets suck, CAV. If you're gonna like an NY team you should be supporting the Giants.

Jets are messed up this year. They got the coach tripping a dude, the Favre thing, I heard a receiver got arrested, ect...


Lol. Nerdiness combined with bad singing. Fun. xD

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No, Giants are 1337, dude.


Because ya'll have a good quarterback and ours retired. <.<'


Jets are better.


Ok then. So shush.


Tsk tsk. Bickering over football. *shakes head*


I like the color of green in your set CAV.


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean we can't discuss it. :P


And thanks.

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