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Giovanni Gale

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Indeed. Those details are classified at the highest level. *conceals grenades*


You should write a story that finishes up the loose ends.

Spritzie, you're either psychic or some of my posts have slipped something into your subconscious. My brother's Flowlight NT series will cover this sooner or later. ;)

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Heh, well, maybe you can join me and Livvy in trying to get him to actually finish the series before that. xD

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Because too many of us are crazy about writing? :P


Unfortunately Spritzie, it seems Jasper is avoiding us all at the moment. xD

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Writing ideas... hmm... that's a tough one.


A Neopets rendition of the three blind mice? :P

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Three blind Meowclops?


I want to write a Neovian-themed story, but I'm a bit stuck for ideas at the moment. I'm also too busy to think about this right now.

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I still have to write my final epic series to complete the story of Elaine Nevergreen (the prequel part of the arc was just published). :yes: Not to mention I should probably continue TURBULENCE sometime. xD

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Why did we discuss writing in the HOP as well as the FM HOP all in the basis of one day?

:sad02: I'm not cool enough to sit at the big kids table yet. One day I shall know about the secrets of the FM board...one day...


I'm not so good at writing aka I think that sentence should actually be 'I do not write well' possibly?

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*joins you on the 'I do not write well' table* Don't worry, you're not alone there. :P


You're getting closer and closer to FM-hood too. ;)

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I still need to read Flashpoint. I was happy to see it get published this week. I'll get to it soon. :(

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Writing ideas... hmm... that's a tough one.


A Neopets rendition of the three blind mice? :P


Sorry, but nothing Neo related.


Here's something you should know about my writing style. The following are adjectives that some people use after reading my writing:


It's depressing, emotional, moving, gripping, supspensful, and/or horrifying.


AKA: It's always negative. And unlike TNT, I almost never use a positive ending, because they are cop-outs, ESPECIALLY how TNT did that with TFR. I knew there would be a positive ending, but that was ridiculous.

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Ah. I tend to go for bittersweet endings, and I absolutely love managing to throw in an amusing line or two at the end whenever possible. :yes:

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Eh, I guess I'm too much of a wimp to make my characters suffer too much. xD


CAV, perhaps you could write a haunted house story from the point of view of the ghost?

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Ah, it appears you have struck upon the general outline of a Shakespearian tragedy. Marvellous. xD

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CAV, perhaps you could write a haunted house story from the point of view of the ghost?




Luigi's Mansion, only in the view of a ghost! It'll be a daily journal. I'll begin tomorrow.

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All right CAV, I'm looking forward to reading your work. :) Have you read Flashpoint or Occupational Hazard by any chance?

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Ah, it appears you have struck upon the general outline of a Shakespearian tragedy. Marvellous. xD

lol, I actually wasn't thinking of anything along the lines of that, it's set in an ancient setting too

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Have you read Flashpoint or Occupational Hazard by any chance?


No I'm afraid I haven't. Can you provide a link?


EDIT: Never mind about the link. I see them in that topic where you and Livvy got in the NT.

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