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Giovanni Gale

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And i'm sure Anisha will also appriciate that Divya is going to be sitting on her when we get to India... :P

Or actually, we'll be getting Divya first since she'll be in Pennsylvania again before we begin the trip...


Lets hope Divya isn't mad... xD

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Bahahahaha. -laughs until I realize that means i'll be tied to the top of a car during a car ride that will take multiple days-

Then someone is still sitting on someone, so if I have to, you have to sit on the top of the car too. :P



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I don't know. Because I'm dumb and apparently overly emotional right now.


That makes sense! =3


i thought it was common knowledge mini vans and SUVs have no magical powers


It's also common knowledge that drinking while driving is bad, and that it's not smart to do this when there's a wall right in front of you:



But people still do it, which means common sense and knowledge is presumingly absent.

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i thought it was common knowledge mini vans and SUVs have no magical powers


Well, apparently it's not common enough knowledge because I seemed to have missed out on that. You guys are aware that the other solution would be to make people sit in the trunk too right?

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We always say in our family that 'common sense' is a misnomer because it doesn't seem to be common at all :/


I still call it common sense since it SHOULD be common, but people just seem to miss it when it's right in front of them.

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Yup, and Spritzie drives the get away car. Tyler is passengar seat.


Spritzie, how many other seats are there? Eh, i'll just sit on CAV...


Sounds good. I have seat belts for 5. But I have a cargo area in the back that can hold at least 4 more.


Maybe you should just tell Spitzie to turn her car into a mini van or SUV then there would be no double sitting (double seated? doubled up seats?)


:laughingsmiley: Whembly, My car is an SUV. I have a Toyota Rav4.


i thought it was common knowledge mini vans and SUVs have no magical powers


Um... no. My car is an SUV and it has many awesome magical powers. :D

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Um... no. My car is an SUV and it has many awesome magical powers. :D


Can it summon the mighty Transformers and Faeries and have them fight to the death. God, I hope the Transformers win......those faeries should've stayed stoned.


Kudos if you get the other meaning that last statement could have.

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Stoned faeries?

Theres just something wrong about that. Faeries aren't supposed to be stoned...


Okay so...

Aw, that means i'll be in the back dosen't it?

Atleast Seph will be there too. Please try not to shoot me... o.o'

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