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Giovanni Gale

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lucky I want it to snow :( it got randomly really warm here and all the snow is melting


stupid long island winters >.>

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Yeah, we got rain today not snow. Its definitely getting warmer again so at least the huge snow piles are melting. Although it was annoyingly foggy today. The fog always reminds me of the strange poem that says something like 'fog creeping in on little cat feet'

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All our snow has gone so everything is back to its usual boring winter colours.

I quite like the fact that this board is a bit like British conversations, if all else fails, resort to talking about the weather, lol.

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Blegh, it's warm again today :(


but I'm gonna be watching original TRON with a friend so WHATEVER WEATHER!! :D

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I want more snow :( warm is bad for this time of year...


haha i have a half-eaten piece of marzipan on my desk...should probably finish that soon xD

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I like Long Island's moderated temperatures. not too cold in the winter, gorgeous in spring and fall, not blistering hot in the summer


Except this past year, when we had a record-breaking summer. But I was in Arizona for some of it, Baltimore for more than half of it, and when I was home it was nice out :)

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haha i look so derp in tank tops. my ideal outfit is shorts, long socks, my kickass ankle boots, a derpy tshirt, and a light jacket


I don't understand how people can be confortable in flip flops o_O Tourist sandals all the way for me! :D

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I love tank tops. I used to wear them all year. (But with coats during winter.)


And I'm not a huge fan of the regular flip flops, but I have a couple pairs of Teva ones, that have criss-cross straps that are insanely comfortable. I live in them during the summer.

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Ohhh Tevas. Ok. I like Tevas. I can't wear the ones that have the thingy that goes between your toes xD I trip all over the place and feel all weird


Plus I love socks. knee high with stripes are the best. :D

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These go between your toe, but they have 3-4 other straps that cross over the top of your foot, so there's no sliding around. They're really comfortable too. I walked about 10 miles a day in them, a couple days while I was in Cali.

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