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Giovanni Gale

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I use LiveJournal for the neopian_adults community, and some other communities. I have no idea how to work it. Isn't LJ editing only for paid accounts? I can't edit my posts :(

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I don't get it...



-feels smart-


I beg your pardon?


I remember right before I quit using LiveJournal, they FINALLY made comment editing available. But it shows it was edited, so that people couldn't attempt to cause trouble with editing.


DS is the same. You need to change something, you're gonna get caught doing it.


Sorry I keep metioning it. I'm on there as well as TDN right now. It's a shame that Dark52 is corrupt.

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I beg your pardon?


The thing about how the filters block things that aren't dirty but look like it when typed.

It took me a while but I figured it out. -taps head-


-Is as confused about Dark Spyro as Spritzie-

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The thing about how the filters block things that aren't dirty but look like it when typed.

It took me a while but I figured it out. -taps head-


-Is as confused about Dark Spyro as Spritzie-


oh you meant what I posted. teehee :P


What is this Dark Spyro thing we keep talking about? Some new Spyro game? o_O

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CAV, what's DS? DarkSpyro? Which is still what? (I'm clueless.)



-Is as confused about Dark Spyro as Spritzie-



What is this Dark Spyro thing we keep talking about? Some new Spyro game? o_O


It's not a new game. The new game is Spyro's Kingdom and Activision is teasing us with pieces of news and then deleting them.


darkSpyro is a forum for the fans. Click the linky under my siggy. Leads to my profile there.

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Geez I haven't played spyro since it was on the original play station


great game, and spyro is so adorable :D

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All I remember was me and a friend from elementary school used to play all the time. and by that I mean she played, and i watched her turn statues into actual dragons :laughingsmiley:

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Super Mario Land and Tetris for the original game boy were what got me started :D Then I got into pokemon, and haven't looked back lol


My favorite series of all time is the Fire Emblem series though :)

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Yup, i'm fraid about our placement this year though.

With us getting a trophy, we could get swamped with freeloaders. On the other hand we're the most likely candidate currently to be the first team to win 2 ACs...

Us, RI, and MD are all gonna be a bit more unpredictable than the rest.

The wildcards this year, though, are SK and VP. They could end up anywhere in the placement.

And on top of that, theres MT. With all the newbies flooding to Fl because of the plot, they might just jump up a few tiers.


You were...

MQ last year, right? -unsure-

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