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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Winter and ice is great. It's better than the summer. But I'm too paranoid to learn to drive, so I won't be bothered much.


It was always great to me, until I started driving. It makes the roads insanely dangerous. I know I can handle it. I was taught how to properly drive for the conditions, as well as what to do if something like sliding on ice, happens. But that's just it, driving for yourself often isn't enough. You have to drive for all the other people out there that either don't know what they're doing, or don't care.


If I didn't have to be at work, I'd be home until it melted. The roads are pure ice right now, since the snow is getting melted by passing cars and then freezing. (The temperatures aren't getting much above 10 degrees during the days.)


Except when that skidding car goes up onto the sidewalk where you're walking. ;)


Another good point. In the 4 blocks I was from home yesterday, I saw at least 6 cars on curbs or sidewalks.

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When they plowed the roads from the blizzard they did a terrible job and its all clumpy and what not in the streets and while the snow melted and froze its all REALLY bumpy so al least people know that its icy and aren't being that ridiculous. I never thought I would be thankful for poor plowing. My dad went so fast over the one section I almost threw up :sick01: in his truck though since I get car sick really easily. He was amused, I was not.


The bad part is though that the terrible plowing makes it go from 2 to 1 lanes randomly and quite often so you have to pay attention to people suddenly merging or hitting 8 foot and up sow banks.

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We have over a thousand snow plows in the city working, and they are plowing the snow, piling it up as high as 6 feet on the curbs, where people have to CROSS THE STREET. It's because of that I slipped into the snow and I've been somewhat sick ever since (4 days).

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