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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Basically TJ is saying that you all have free rein to run the event, but you shouldn't expect official staff support when it comes to the organisation. :yes: If even *Anime* got a headache from handling it before, well... Anime is an epic organiser. So be careful. xD

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All right JB! If it's too much of a pain for you, well, we're all here to back you up. Even us staffers can help as members. :P

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Actually, it's more like you can't expect staff members to help you except if they volunteer themselves. :P

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It appears it's not the staff isn't allowed to help, but that they're not helping officially as staff. And it's not backed by TDN staff. But I'm sure there's at least a few staff members that are willing to help out otherwise.

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Indeed. If you need any programming work done, just ask me - after my exams that is.

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Sure. :P I'll help out with programming, coding, random grammar checking, etc. as necessary. But not organisation. xD

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Okay, while I was off-shift, someone removed my usual desk chair, and replaced it with something else. It's nicer, but it creaks when I move. And since I now share my work room with other people, noisy chairs are not good. <_<

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Spritzie, at least your chair doesn't collapse when you sit on it. :P


I presume JB will show up sooner or later...

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Congratulations indeed. :yes:


And I always seem to end up with the wobbly desk in tests and exams. Fortunately I usually have some spare paper to wedge under one leg.

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I tend to get wobbly tables as well. But I can't stuff any paper cause they take your backpack away. And I always feel bad if I mistakingly tilt the table and the other people at the table get annoyed.

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I occasionally like bringing attention to myself, depends on the circumstances.


For instance: We had to make these poems with a partner(We had three people) and we presented them on Friday. Our was pretty funny(You should've seen the class when we went through the line "I like girls, I like girls, I like squirrels". Guess which part I said. :P ) but in the begginning I accidentally hit a tissue box and I couldn't get it back up on the ledge it was on. I finally let it drop, kicked it behind me, and hoped no one noticed. They did. It was kinda embarrasing...


Btw, thanks AA and CAV. :)

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