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Giovanni Gale

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I got 12 because I sniped them on the day they were released on the Advent Calendar. There was the one I got for free and another 11 that I got for around 5k each?


Figured they'd rise to over 100k eventually, but they never got close, so I just sold them.

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I also suck at restocking. I never got the hang of it, dispite TDN's guides. One of you have to fly to NY and teach my personally.


And to one day stop me from killing myself in the event that things get really bad.

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Oh, that's not the hard part about restocking. The hardest part is getting the rare items from the shops fast enough. I've never been good at that :(


No, but what I did was called "sniping", which is when people sell something in their shop at a ridiculously low price and you buy it before they either realize it's too low or someone else takes it.

Keep in mind it might not be safe anymore, with all these new cookie-grabbers nowadays.

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I've actually gotten pretty decent at restocking from the Pharm. There are a couple mid-profit items, and a few high-profit ones that are harder to get because they only stock in 1 or 2. The mid-profit items, like Herbal Scrambled Eggs, Medicinal Soap, and Magic Cookies stock in 15-25, so they're pretty easy to get. :yes: I make ~50k a day or more.

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In the secret board that you don't know about, I mentioned this. I also dared Will/Livvy to find 15 people that would fly/drive/bike/etc to NY to stop me in the event that I think of killing myself. Will, Livvy and Myles makes 3. 12 are left.


And I want people to be 150% honest with me. I don't want to you to say you care when you really don't. I want people to say the truth, not what I want to hear.

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Restocking, I swear, is for experts. Following the TDN guide didn't really get me anywhere.


I would fly over, CAV.

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It actually is fairly simple. Start at the Pharmacy, and go after the three items I mentioned above. You'll probably get at least one. Refresh about every 5-10 seconds until one of them shows up. You can also try for Cactopus Cream, Honeyblossom Extract, and... something else, but they're harder to get because they refresh in lower quantities. You'll want to have about 30k on hand.

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It has been my experience that over time, bonds form with even the people you talk to on the internet. My best friend for the last 4 years lives in Alaska. We've never met in person, but we even exchange Christmas and birthday gifts every year. This year, I'm sending him Licorice. That's what he wants, so that's what he's going to get :)


I told him to give me something unique. :P

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When I change Rhedorhan then I'm painting him Christmas, Desert and Pirate before he becomes Faerie.


I'm doing the same thing with Aitvara. I'm going to paint her Royal and Desert before I paint her Faerie. That way, she'll have the clothes for later.

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I had two Neopets go through the lab ray, one was a Bori, the other, Lenny, and they got together Zombie, Faerie, and Island Kiko clothing.


Also, I'm thinking of making something like a secret Santa here on TDN. Would anyone be interested.

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But I think you need to have a pet of the right color. I know there's people that offer clothes to pets from the pound that lost them when abandoned. But I don't think you can trade pets with the wrong clothes on.

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Also, I'm thinking of making something like a secret Santa here on TDN. Would anyone be interested.


That does sound interesting. We should contact Ian or TJ to see if something like that can happen.



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I'll contact TJ.


6 people are willing to fly to NY and stop me from killing myself in the even that I have thoughts of suiside due to recent events in my life. I dared Will and Livvy to find 15. I'm keeping track on how many people would be willing to fly/bike/run/etc.

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