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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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We would have to ski in up-state NY, where the mountains are and there's a lot more snow.


And what Wikipedia thing? The whole US government secrets thing. I did in fact laugh when that guy said that by supporting WikiLeaks, you are a terrorist. Just for that, I want to support it.


So far, me, you, and Cornflakes are the only ones in festive season.


Relax JB. My Christmas set will be ready in a week. I don't want to start things too early. Not right after Thanksgiving.

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Relax JB. My Christmas set will be ready in a week. I don't want to start things too early. Not right after Thanksgiving.

I was panicking or anything, I was just stating that we were the only ones. I'm sure as we progress more will appear.

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I'm 90% sure I don't have the christmas sidebar yet.

Any of you guys have it?


And ikr? Perfect timing! =D


Lol, this i the first year i've actually been dreading winter break. I'm desperaley trying to get all my grades up. My biggest problems are History, keyboarding, and Honors Science. I think my latest A on a test secured a B+ for History though. -nodnod-

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I'm 90% sure I don't have the christmas sidebar yet.

Any of you guys have it?

I've got the Christmas sidebar. Do you know how to get it?

Edit: Do you mean the winter one? Or is there another one?


And also, the Neopets sidebar page on the main website is way out of date.

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I don't know, nor do I really care. Not a big fan of the Christmas sidebar. I'm a bigger fan of the Halloween sidebar, which is why I was ticked off when I would have to be up at 3 AM to get it.

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I just enjoy having options. I don't like the Halloween one much, but I plan to get it at some point, so I can use it if I ever get the urge to.


Some of my favorites are plots ones that aren't available anymore. :(

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I love the Constallations sidebar. But I didn't participate in the plot, so I can't get it.


My favorites are the AC and AotA sidebars. I am currently using regular blue.


CAV, the Constellations one is from the Altador Plot, which you can still complete. So if you want it, you can get it.

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