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Giovanni Gale

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And the population size would really decrease :yes:

It would not be so good a thing, but there are men who will date taller women and women who will date shorter men, so I don't suppose it's partly just shallowness?

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At least it gets averaged out. Imagine if men would only date women shorter then them, and women would only date men shorter than themselves. That would be horrible.


This made me chuckle... for some reason it brought funny images to my head, like a 6 foot tall man with a 4 foot tall woman and vice versa.

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This made me chuckle... for some reason it brought funny images to my head, like a 6 foot tall man with a 4 foot tall woman and vice versa.

You're welcome for the laughter. :)

I take pride in making my comments 110% funny.

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Heh, I kinda know that feeling, although under different circumstances. In high school I wasn't initially much liked by most of my class, except for a few girls who thought that the little kid was cute. xD

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I hate the Carbon Monoxide alarm. It rang off once when there was nothing. Me and my brother tried to ignore it. Then it went off in one loud beeping noise that wouldn't stop. I had to rip the batteries out so it can shut up.

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A little self-centered, are we? :P




Heh, I kinda know that feeling, although under different circumstances. In high school I wasn't initially much liked by most of my class, except for a few girls who thought that the little kid was cute. xD


Aw! There are a few guys like that at my school, and they take advantage of the fact that some girls think they are cute by asking them out. :rolleyes_anim:

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I hate the Carbon Monoxide alarm too its so loud and I hope you dont have it in your house


Well, if we are talking about it, then that means we both have the alarm.


You have to have a carbon monoxide alarm. If you don't, you are risking your life. Carbon monoxide is odorless and can kill.

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Is it compulsory to have these carbon monoxide alarms in the US?

I'm pretty sure we don't have them over here.

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No such alarms in Malaysia... heck, we don't even have many fire alarms here. Which is kinda odd, because I'm living in a house which has had an electrical fire before.

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Someone should invent an integrated safety hazard monitoring system. :yes: Something standardised and reliable so we don't have to run around getting all the different alarms.

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Carbon monoxide alarms became mandatory not too long ago in the US, I think.

Even if it wasn't mandatory I think people should have one. Just to be safe.


Exactly. Mandatory or not, you should have a carbon monoxide alarm, and a fire alarm. You wouldn't want to die in your sleep now do you? :P

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Someone should invent an integrated safety hazard monitoring system. :yes: Something standardised and reliable so we don't have to run around getting all the different alarms.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they have those. But they're usually more of a hassle because they cover a lot of things, which includes burglar alarms, which means you have to constantly turn it on and off (probably punching in a passcode) just to get in and out of the house. Plus installation might give people some trouble, and it costs quite a bit too.


I'm not quite sure if we have a carbon monoxide alarm. It's never gone off before, that's for sure :P

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Well, I was thinking something more along the lines of a more simple, rugged fire/gas/temperature/etc. alarm which you could stick in buildings of all sorts. :yes: Leave the security system elsewhere.

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